Lync or Skype for Business SDN API Configuration
The Lync or Skype for BusinessALGApplication Layer Gateway. ALG is a security component that manages application layer protocols such as SIP, FTP and so on.should be configured from the node hierarchy ofMobility Master。TheALGApplication Layer Gateway. ALG is a security component that manages application layer protocols such as SIP, FTP and so enabled by default.
In mastercontrollermode, Lync or Skype for BusinessALGApplication Layer Gateway. ALG is a security component that manages application layer protocols such as SIP, FTP and so on.must be configured from the node hierarchy of the mastercontroller。TheALGApplication Layer Gateway. ALG is a security component that manages application layer protocols such as SIP, FTP and so enabled by default. |
The following procedure describes how to configure the Lync or Skype for BusinessALGApplication Layer Gateway. ALG is a security component that manages application layer protocols such as SIP, FTP and so on.:
1.In the node hierarchy, navigate to 。
2.Expand and click 。
3.In the section, configure the settings described inTable 1。
4.Click 。
5.Click 。
6.In the window, select the check box and click 。
The followingCLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.commands configure the Lync or Skype for BusinessALGApplication Layer Gateway. ALG is a security component that manages application layer protocols such as SIP, FTP and so on.:
(host) [mm] (config) #ucc skype4b
(host) ^[mm] (Skype4B ALG Configuration) #enable
(host) ^[mm] (Skype4B ALG Configuration) #priority {app-sharing
(host) ^[mm] (Skype4B ALG Configuration) #sdn {http|https}
(host) ^[mm] (Skype4B ALG Configuration) #write memory
The followingCLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.commands display the Lync or Skype for BusinessALGApplication Layer Gateway. ALG is a security component that manages application layer protocols such as SIP, FTP and so on.configuration:
(host) [mynode] #show ucc skype4b
Sat Jun 25 03:25:43.429 2016
Skype4B ALG Configuration
Parameter Value Set
--------- ----- ---
Skype4B ALG Support Enabled
Skype4B SDN Over http/https https
voice priority 46
video priority 34
app-sharing priority 34