Firewall Visibility Configuration
EnablefirewallFirewall is a network security system used for preventing unauthorized access to or from a private network.visibility on themanaged devices. This is an optional setting. Enable this setting to view traffic analysis on theMobility Masterdashboard. You must enable this in the node hierarchy.
The following procedure describes how to enablefirewallFirewall is a network security system used for preventing unauthorized access to or from a private network.visibility on themanaged devices:
1.In the node hierarchy, navigate to .
2.Expand .
3.Select the check box.
4.Click .
5.Click .
6.In the window, select the check box and click .
The followingCLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.命令配置firewallFirewall is a network security system used for preventing unauthorized access to or from a private network.visibility on themanaged devices:
(host) [md] (config) #firewall-visibility
(host) ^[md] (config) #write memory