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Enabling LLDP

LLDP是一个层2协议,允许网络设备在LAN上宣传其身份和功能。有线接口阿鲁巴APS通过定期传输由选定的TLV元素组成的LLDP PDU来支持LLDP。有关支持的完整列表,请参阅表格1and

lldp-MEDLLDP – Media端点发现。LLDP-MED促进了端点和网络基础架构设备之间的信息共享。是扩展到lldp链接层发现协议。LLDP是网络设备使用的Internet协议套件中的供应商中性链接层协议,用于在IEEE 802局部网络上宣传其身份,功能和邻居,这主要是有线以太网。that supports interoperability betweenVoIPVoice over IP. VoIP allows transmission of voice and multimedia content over an IP network.and video streaming devices and other networking clients.lldp-MEDLLDP – Media端点发现。LLDP-MED促进了端点和网络基础架构设备之间的信息共享。网络策略发现使终点和网络设备宣传Vlan虚拟局域网。在计算机网络中,可以对单层2网络进行分区,以创建多个不同的广播域,它们是相互隔离的,因此数据包只能通过一个或多个路由器之间传递它们。这样的域称为虚拟局域网,虚拟LAN或VLAN。,优先级和DSCPDifferentiated Services Code Point. DSCP is a 6-bit packet header value used for traffic classification and priority assignment.语音或视频应用程序使用的值。

以下过程描述了如何配置lldp链接层发现协议。LLDP是网络设备使用的Internet协议套件中的供应商中性链接层协议,用于在IEEE 802局部网络上宣传其身份,功能和邻居,这主要是有线以太网。配置文件并选择TLVType-length-value or Tag-Length-Value. TLV is an encoding format. It refers to the type of data being processed, the length of the value, and the value for the type of data being processed.由AP发送:

1。在theManaged Network节点层次结构,导航到配置>系统>配置文件

2。All Profiles, expandAP> AP LLDP。选择默认profile.
This example uses the默认profile.

3。AP LLDP配置文件分为两个选项卡,Generaland先进的。这常规选项卡仅显示通常需要调整以适合特定网络的那些配置设置。这先进的选项卡显示所有配置设置,包括不需要频繁调整或应保持其默认值的设置。Both general and advanced settings are described in表格1





PDU Transmission

选择此复选框以启用LLDP PDU传输。默认情况下启用了PDU传输。


选择此复选框以启用LLDP PDU接收。默认情况下启用了PDU接收。


Transmit Interval (seconds)

这interval between LLDP TLV transmission seconds. Range: 1-3600, seconds and Default: 30 seconds.



If the Transmit hold multiplier value is set at its default value of 4, and the Transmit interval is at its default value of 30 seconds, then learned LLDP information will be cached for 4x30 seconds, or 120 seconds.


选择本节中的复选框以选择AP接口在LLDP PDU中发送的可选TLV。AP默认情况下将发送所有可选的TLV。




capabilities:transmit the system capabilities TLV to indicate which capabilities are supported by the AP.


802.1 TLVs

选择check boxes in this section to select the 802.1 TLV the AP interface sends in LLDP PDUs. The AP will send all 802.1 TLV by default:

vlan港:发送LLDP 802.1端口VLAN TLV。如果本机VLAN是在端口上配置的,则端口VLAN TLV将发送该值,否则它将发送“ 0”值。

vlan-name:transmit the LLDP 802.1 VLAN name TLV. The AP sends a value of "Unknown" for VLAN 0, or "VLAN " for all non-zero VLAN numbers.

802.3 TLV

选择本节中的复选框以选择802.3 TLV AP接口在LLDP PDU中发送。AP默认情况下将发送所有803.2 TLV:

苹果电脑:transmit the 802.3 MAC or PHY Configuration or Status TLV to indicate the AP interface’s duplex and bit rate capacity and current duplex and bit rate settings.

链接聚集:transmit the 802.3 link aggregation TLV to indicate that link aggregation is not supported.



此参数由 RAP-3WNP和130 Series只要。

lldp-MED TLVs

将LLDP-MED网络策略配置文件与此LLDP配置文件相关联后,您可以单击本节中的复选框,以选择LLDP-MED TLV AP接口在LLDP PDU中发送。AP默认情况下不会发送任何LLDP-MED TLV:

capabilities:传输LLDP-MED功能TLV。如果AP发送任何其他LLDP-MED TLV,它将自动发送此TLV。



NOTE:这TLV in this section cannot be enabled unless you have associated an LLDP-MED Network policy profile

4。要将LLDP-MED网络策略配置文件与LLDP配置文件和AP接口发送的LLDP-MED TLV相关联,请单击LLDP-MED网络策略that appears under theAP LLDP > defaultprofile in the profile list.

5。If the LLDP profile does not currently reference an LLDP-MED Network Policy profile, you must associate an LLDP-MED Network Policy profile with the LLDP profile before you can configure any LLDP-MED settings. InAP LLDP-MED网络策略配置文件, click the+链接LLDP-MED网络策略配置文件的图标


7.点击Pending Changes

8.在thePending Changes窗口,选择复选框,然后单击Deploy changes

这followingCLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.命令配置lldp链接层发现协议。LLDP是网络设备使用的Internet协议套件中的供应商中性链接层协议,用于在IEEE 802局部网络上宣传其身份,功能和邻居,这主要是有线以太网。

(主机)[MD](config)#ap lldp profile

(host) ^[md] (AP LLDP Profile "") #clone

(主机) ^[md](ap lldp profile“ ”)#dot1-tlvs [port-vlan | vlan-name]

(host) ^[md] (AP LLDP Profile "") #dot3-tlvs [link-aggregation|mac|mfs|power]

(host) ^[md] (AP LLDP Profile "") #lldp-med-network-policy-profile

(主机) ^[md](ap lldp profile“ ”)#lldp-med-tlvs [能力|库存|网络policy]

(host) ^[md] (AP LLDP Profile "") #no ...

(主机)^ (md)(美联社LLDP概要文件<文件>)#选项al-tlvs [capabilities|management-address|port-description|system-description|system-name]

(host) ^[md] (AP LLDP Profile "") #receive

(主机) ^[md](ap lldp profile“ ”)#transmit

(主机) ^[md](ap lldp配置文件“ ”)#transmit-hold

(主机) ^[md](ap lldp配置文件“ ”)#transmit Interval
