Cisco Jabber Troubleshooting
The following procedure describes how to troubleshoot the Cisco JabberALGApplication Layer Gateway. ALG is a security component that manages application layer protocols such as SIP, FTP and so on.:
In mastercontrollermode, the commands must be executed on themanaged device. |
1.Ensure that the global prerequisites to enableUCCUnified Communications and Collaboration. UCC is a term used to describe the integration of various communications methods with collaboration tools such as virtual whiteboards, real-time audio and video conferencing, and enhanced call control capabilities.inArubaOS8.x is configured. For more information, seeCisco Jabber Troubleshooting.
2.Ensure that the Cisco Jabber server (Cisco Unified Communication Manager and Cisco Unified Presence Manager) IP addresses are configured under the Cisco JabberALGApplication Layer Gateway. ALG is a security component that manages application layer protocols such as SIP, FTP and so on.configuration.
3.Connect clients to theSSIDService Set Identifier. SSID is a name given to a WLAN and is used by the client to access a WLAN network..
4.Launch the Cisco Jabber application in the client and log in with the credentials to register with the Cisco Unified Communication Manager and Cisco Unified Presence Manager servers.
5.Execute the command to verify if theALGApplication Layer Gateway. ALG is a security component that manages application layer protocols such as SIP, FTP and so on.type is and the registration status is .
(主机)(mm) # ucc client-info展示
Thu Dec 03 08:48:09.077 2015
Client Status:
Client IP Client MAC Client Name ALG Server(IP) Registration State
--------- ---------- ----------- --- ---------- ------------------ ac:bc:32:78:33:a1 1019 Jabber REGISTERED 80:86:f2:40:b3:d4 1008 Jabber REGISTERED
Call Status AP Name Flags Device Type Home_Agent Foreign_Agent
----------- ------- ----- ----------- ---------- -------------
Idle AP-105 OS X NA
In-Call AP-115 Win 7 NA
Total Client Entries:2
Flags: V - Visitor, A - Away, W - Wired, R - Remote, E - External
6.Start audio, video calls, andappShort form for application. It generally refers to the application that is downloaded and used on mobile devices.-sharing sessions between Cisco Jabber clients.
7.Execute the and commands or access the page on the WebUI to view Cisco Jabber call statistics and prioritization.
(主机)(mm) # ucc client-info展示
Thu Dec 03 08:48:09.077 2015
Client Status:
Client IP Client MAC Client Name ALG Server(IP) Registration State
--------- ---------- ----------- --- ---------- ------------------ ac:bc:32:78:33:a1 1019 Jabber REGISTERED 80:86:f2:40:b3:d4 1008 Jabber REGISTERED
Call Status AP Name Flags Device Type Home_Agent Foreign_Agent
----------- ------- ----- ----------- ---------- -------------
Idle AP-105 OS X NA
In-Call AP-115 Win 7 NA
Total Client Entries:2
Flags: V - Visitor, A - Away, W - Wired, R - Remote, E - External
(host) [mm] #show ucc call-info cdrs
Thu Dec 03 08:48:23.827 2015
Help: [C] - Metric calculated at the Controller
[A] - Metric calculated at the AP
CDR ID UCC Call ID Client IP Client MAC Client Name ALG
------ ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- ---
4 2 00:21:6b:9d:f2:74 Derek Skype4B
3 2 00:24:d7:40:c0:a0 Allen Skype4B
1 NA fc:c2:de:6c:01:9c NA WiFi-Calling
Dir Called to Dur(sec) Orig Time Status Reason Call Type
--- --------- -------- --------- ------ ------ ---------
OG Scott 6 Nov 27 08:44:45 ACTIVE NA Voice
IC Scott 6 Nov 27 08:44:45 ACTIVE NA Voice
NA NA 88 Jun 4 06:41:40 ACTIVE NA Voice
Client Health UCC Score[C] UCC Score[A] MOS Server(IP)
------------- ------------ ------------ --- ----------
80 70.80/Good 38.50/Fair 4.10/Good
85 77.88/Good 41.53/Fair 4.32/Good
93 NA NA NA T-Mobile
8.Execute the command. If the column displays instead of , ensure that the Cisco Unified Communication Manager and Cisco Unified Presence Server IP addresses are added as part of the Cisco Jabber configuration inMobility Master. In addition, verify ifDPIDeep Packet Inspection. DPI is an advanced method of network packet filtering that is used for inspecting data packets exchanged between the devices and systems over a network. DPI functions at the Application layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model and enables users to identify, categorize, track, reroute, or stop packets passing through a enabled onMobility Master.
9.Execute the command to verify if call signaling events such as establishing voice, video, desktop sharing, and file transfer are recorded.
(host) [mm] #show ucc trace-buffer jabber
Jabber Voice Client(s) Message Trace
Client IP Client MAC Client Name Direction Event Time BSSID Msg
--------- ---------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----- --- 68:17:29:9f:b6:77 3002 Server-To-Client Jul 4 22:48:28 ac:a3:1e:27:dc:00 200_OK 68:17:29:9f:b6:77 3002 Server-To-Client Jul 4 22:48:27 ac:a3:1e:27:dc:00 100_TRYING 68:17:29:9f:b6:77 3002 Client-To-Server Jul 4 22:48:27 ac:a3:1e:27:dc:00 REGISTER 68:17:29:9f:b6:77 3002 Server-To-Client Jul 4 22:46:32 ac:a3:1e:27:dc:00 200_OK
10.If the clients are not seen after executing the command, verify the output by executing the , , , and .
(host) [mm] #show gsm debug channel ucc_client
ucc_client Channel Table
state uc_client_mac uc_client_ip uc_contact_name uc_server_name uc_client_flags
----- ------------- ------------ --------------- -------------- ---------------
ACTV 80:86:f2:40:b3:d4 1008 1
ACTV 80:86:f2:40:14:9c 1007 1
uc_reg_state uc_alg uc_entry_type uc_role uc_active_call uc_replicatorip
------------ ------ ------------- ------- -------------- ---------------
4 14 1 0 0
4 14 1 0 0
Total Num of Objects :2
Total Num of Active Objects :2
Total Num of Replicated Objects :0
(host) [mm] #show gsm debug channel ucc_session
ucc_session Channel Table
state uc_client_mac uc_client_ip uc_active_call
----- ------------- ------------ --------------
ACTV 80:86:f2:40:b3:d4 0
ACTV 80:86:f2:40:14:9c 0
Total Num of Objects :2
Total Num of Active Objects :2
Total Num of Replicated Objects :0
(host) [mm] #show gsm debug channel ip_user
ip_user Channel Table
state v_repkey user_ip_address user_uuid ip_user_flags ip_user_timestamp
----- -------- --------------- --------- ------------- -----------------
REPL 3 001a1e01b2280000002f0064 0 181193397240
REPL 3 001a1e01b2280000002f0065 0 181193397370
Total Num of Objects :2
Total Num of Active Objects :0
Total Num of Replicated Objects :2
(host) [mm] #show openflow-controller hosts
IP MAC Wireless
-- --- -------- 80:86:f2:40:14:9c True ac:bc:32:78:33:a1 True 00:0c:29:e4:88:93 false
Dpid Port No Port MAC
---- ------- --------
00:00:00:1a:1e:01:b2:28 21 ac:a3:1e:ca:7d:c0
00:00:00:1a:1e:01:b2:28 19 d8:c7:c8:c9:23:8b
00:00:00:0c:29:e8:b8:b9 1 00:0c:29:e8:b8:ba
Total number of hosts: 3
11.Execute the command on themanaged deviceto verify if the calls are prioritized. TheToSType of Service. The ToS field is part of the IPv4 header, which specifies datagrams priority and requests a route for low-delay, high-throughput, or a highly reliable service.values should be set for this session, along with other flags like , , , , .
(host-mn) #show datapath session dpi table | include V,Age
C - client, M - mirror, V - VOIP
r -路线Nexthop, h - High Value
Source IP Destination IP Prot SPort DPort Cntr Prio ToS Age Destination TAge Packets
------------ -------------- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- --- --- ----------- ---- ------- 17 26344 26112 0/0 5 34 0 local 31 173 17 26345 26113 0/0 5 34 0 local 31 76 17 23843 16767 0/0 6 46 0 local 31 2 17 16767 23843 0/0 6 46 0 local 31 5
Bytes SIDX AclVer Int-Flag PktsDpi UplnkVlan AppID
------ ----- ------ -------- ------- --------- -----------------------
185458 39b56 1632 2101 0 none alg-jabber-video (2570)
4420 4b952 1632 2101 0 none alg-jabber-video (2570)
220 87e7f 1632 2101 0 none alg-jabber-audio (2569)
624 a5a70 1632 2125 0 none alg-jabber-audio (2569)
AceIdx Flags User-MAC DpiTIdx
------ --------- ----------------- -------
0/561 FHPTCVBO 00:00:00:00:00:00 5e
0/561 FHPTMCVBO 00:00:00:00:00:00 84
0/560 FHPTMCVBO 00:00:00:00:00:00 8d
0/560 FHPTMCVBO 00:00:00:00:00:00 c5