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Swept Spectrogram

A spectrogram is a chart that shows how the density of the quantity being plotted varies with time. The spectrum analysis Swept Spectrogram chart plots real-timeFFTFast Fourier Transform. FFT is a frequency analysis mechanism that aims at faster conversion of a discrete signal in time domain into a discrete frequency domain representation. See also DFT.最大值、实时gydF4y2BaFFTFast Fourier Transform. FFT is a frequency analysis mechanism that aims at faster conversion of a discrete signal in time domain into a discrete frequency domain representation. See also DFT.Averages, or theFFTFast Fourier Transform. FFT is a frequency analysis mechanism that aims at faster conversion of a discrete signal in time domain into a discrete frequency domain representation. See also DFT.Duty Cycle. In this swept spectrogram, the x-axis represents frequency or channel and the y-axis represents time. Each line in the swept spectrogram corresponds to the data displayed in the Real-TimeFFTFast Fourier Transform. FFT is a frequency analysis mechanism that aims at faster conversion of a discrete signal in time domain into a discrete frequency domain representation. See also DFT.orFFTFast Fourier Transform. FFT is a frequency analysis mechanism that aims at faster conversion of a discrete signal in time domain into a discrete frequency domain representation. See also DFT.Duty Cycle chart.

A hybrid AP on a 20 MHz channel will see 40 MHz Wi-Fi data as non-Wi-Fi data.

The power or duty cycle values recorded in each sweep are mapped to a range of colors. In the average or maximumFFTFast Fourier Transform. FFT is a frequency analysis mechanism that aims at faster conversion of a discrete signal in time domain into a discrete frequency domain representation. See also DFT.power Swept Spectrogram charts, the signal strength levels are indicated by a range of colors between dark blue, which represents -90dBmDecibel-Milliwatts. dBm is a logarithmic measurement (integer) that is typically used in place of mW to represent receive-power level. AMP normalizes all signals to dBm, so that it is easy to evaluate performance between various vendors., and red, which represents a higher -50dBmDecibel-Milliwatts. dBm is a logarithmic measurement (integer) that is typically used in place of mW to represent receive-power level. AMP normalizes all signals to dBm, so that it is easy to evaluate performance between various vendors.. The duty cycle Swept Spectrogram chart shows the percentage of the time tick interval that the selected channel or frequency was broadcasting a signal. These percentages are indicated by a range of colors between dark blue, which represents a duty cycle of 0% percent, and red, which represents a duty cycle of 100%.
A spectrogram plot is a complex chart that can display a lot of information. If you are not familiar with these types of charts, they may be difficult to interpret.

The spectrum analysis Swept Spectrogram measuresFFTFast Fourier Transform. FFT is a frequency analysis mechanism that aims at faster conversion of a discrete signal in time domain into a discrete frequency domain representation. See also DFT.power levels or duty cycle data each second, so after every 1-second sweep, the newest data appears as a thin colored line on the bottom of the chart. Older data is pushed up higher on the chart until it reaches the top of the spectrogram and ages out.

Click the down arrow in the upper right corner of this chart, then click theOptionsmenu to access these configuration settings. Once you have configured the desired parameters, clickOKat the bottom of theOptionsmenu to save your settings and return to the spectrum dashboards.

Table 1:Swept Spectrogram Options



BandBand refers to a specified range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.

Radio band displayed in this graph.

For spectrum monitor radios using the 5 GHz radio band, click theBand下拉列表,并选择gydF4y2Ba5 GHz Low,5 GHz Centeror5 GHz Highto display data for that portion of the 5GHz radio band. This parameter is not configurable for graphs created by hybrid APs or spectrum monitor radios that use the 2.4 GHz radio band.

Channel Numbering

这个参数不是公司nfigurable for graphs created by hybrid APs or spectrum monitor radios that use the 2.4GHzGigahertz.radiobandBand refers to a specified range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.. A hybrid AP on a 20MHzMegahertzchannel sees 40MHzMegahertzWi-FiWi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices to connect to a WLAN network, mainly using the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands. Wi-Fi can apply to products that use any 802.11 as non-Wi-FiWi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices to connect to a WLAN network, mainly using the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands. Wi-Fi can apply to products that use any 802.11 For spectrum monitors using the 5GHzGigahertz.radiobandBand refers to a specified range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation., click theChannel Numbering下拉列表,并选择either20 MHzor40 MHzchannel numbering to identify a channel numbering scheme for the graph. Graphs for AP radios that support802.11ac802.11ac is a wireless networking standard in the 802.11 family that provides high-throughput WLANs on the 5 GHz band.include an additional80MHzoption for very-high-throughput channels.


Select eitherChannelorFrequencyto showFFTFast Fourier Transform. FFT is a frequency analysis mechanism that aims at faster conversion of a discrete signal in time domain into a discrete frequency domain representation. See also DFT.power or duty cycles for a range of channels or frequencies. If you selectFrequency, you must select the radio frequency on which this chart should center, and determine the span of frequencies for the graph.

Channel Range

If you selectedChannelin theX-Axisparameter, you must also specify a channel range to determine which channelsappear in the x-axis of this chart. Click the first drop-down list to select the lowest channel in the range, then click the second drop-down list to select the highest channel to appear in the chart.

NOTE:这个参数不是公司nfigurable for graphs created by hybrid APs.

Color-Map Range

If this chart is configured to show average or maximum FFT values,the default color range on this chart represents values from -50dBm (red) to -90dBm (blue). If you would like the color range on this chart to represent a different range ofFFTFast Fourier Transform. FFT is a frequency analysis mechanism that aims at faster conversion of a discrete signal in time domain into a discrete frequency domain representation. See also DFT.power levels, enter this range in thefromandtoentry blanks.

For example, if you defined a color-map range from -60 to -80, then anyFFTFast Fourier Transform. FFT is a frequency analysis mechanism that aims at faster conversion of a discrete signal in time domain into a discrete frequency domain representation. See also DFT.power level at or above -60dBmDecibel-Milliwatts. dBm is a logarithmic measurement (integer) that is typically used in place of mW to represent receive-power level. AMP normalizes all signals to dBm, so that it is easy to evaluate performance between various vendors.appears as red, and anyFFTFast Fourier Transform. FFT is a frequency analysis mechanism that aims at faster conversion of a discrete signal in time domain into a discrete frequency domain representation. See also DFT.power level at or below -80 appears blue. Only the channel or frequency qualities between -60dBmDecibel-Milliwatts. dBm is a logarithmic measurement (integer) that is typically used in place of mW to represent receive-power level. AMP normalizes all signals to dBm, so that it is easy to evaluate performance between various vendors.and -80dBmDecibel-Milliwatts. dBm is a logarithmic measurement (integer) that is typically used in place of mW to represent receive-power level. AMP normalizes all signals to dBm, so that it is easy to evaluate performance between various vendors.would be represented bygradiented colors withinthe color range.

If this chart is configured to show the FFT duty cycle, the default color range on this chart represents duty cycles from 0% (red) to 100% (blue). If you would like the color range on this chart to represent a different range ofFFTFast Fourier Transform. FFT is a frequency analysis mechanism that aims at faster conversion of a discrete signal in time domain into a discrete frequency domain representation. See also DFT.duty cycle percentages, enter this range in thefromandtoentry blanks.

For example, if you defined a color-map range from 25 to 75, then anyFFTFast Fourier Transform. FFT is a frequency analysis mechanism that aims at faster conversion of a discrete signal in time domain into a discrete frequency domain representation. See also DFT.duty cycle at or below 25% appears as red, and anyFFTFast Fourier Transform. FFT is a frequency analysis mechanism that aims at faster conversion of a discrete signal in time domain into a discrete frequency domain representation. See also DFT.duty cycle at or below 75% appears blue. Only the duty cycle levels between 25% and 75% would be represented bygradiented colors within the color range.

NOTE:If your swept spectrogram is showing a single color only, you may need to increase the color map range to display a greater range of values.


SelectFFT Avg,FFT MaxorFFT Duty Cycleto select the type of data you want to appear in this chart.
