You are here: > Spectrum Analysis > 连接ing Spectrum Devices to the Spectrum Analysis Client


频谱分析客户端是任何可以访问独立的笔记本电脑或台式电脑controllerWebUI and receive streaming data from individual spectrum monitors or hybrid APs. Once you have configured one or more APs to operate as a spectrum monitor or hybrid AP, navigate to the托管网络node hierarchy from theMobility MasterWebUI, and use the频谱监测器window to identify the spectrum devices you want to actively connect to the spectrum analysis client.




在登录Spectrum分析窗口之前,必须获取managed devicenode where the AP or spectrum monitor is terminated by using one of the following methods:

在里面托管网络node hierarchy, navigate to配置>切入点s>校园AP.tab to obtain themanaged devicenode details from theSwitch IP柱子。

在里面托管网络node hierarchy, navigate toDashboard>Infrastructure>访问设备tab to obtain themanaged devicenode details from theActive Controller柱子。

连接ing Spectrum Devices to Spectrum Analysis Client

To connect one or more spectrum devices to your client, log in to themanaged deviceobtained from the托管网络节点层次结构(如图所示)获取管理设备节点详细信息):

1.在里面管理设备node hierarchy, navigate toDiagnostics>工具>Spectrum Analysis

2.Click发射to launch the Spectrum Analysis tool.

3.点击频谱监测器tab in the new window.

4.ClickAdd。A table appears, displaying a list of spectrum analysis devices, sorted by name. Single-radio spectrum devices have a single entry in this table, and dual-radio spectrum devices have two entries: one for each radio. This table displays the following data for each radio.

表格1:Spectrum Device Selection Information





Radio is operating as a spectrum monitor.

Radio is operating as a hybrid AP with spectrum enabled.


The frequencyband频带是指电磁辐射的指定频率范围。currently used by the radio. This value can be either2.4 GHz要么5 GHz


AP model type.

AP Group

Name of the AP group to which the spectrum monitor is currently associated.



光谱监测器: AP is in spectrum monitor mode.

切入点: AP is configured as an access point but with spectrum monitoring enabled Hybrid AP.

Availability for Connection


可用,2.4 GHz: the radio is available to send spectrum analysis data on the 2.4GHZ.Gigahertz。frequencyband频带是指电磁辐射的指定频率范围。

Available, 5 GHz:无线电可用于在5中发送频谱分析数据GHZ.Gigahertz。frequencyband频带是指电磁辐射的指定频率范围。

Available, Dual Band: the radio is available and is capable of sending spectrum analysis data on either the 2.4GHZ.Gigahertz。或者5GHZ.Gigahertz。frequency乐队频带是指电磁辐射的指定频率范围。

Available, current channel - :AP无线电处于混合模式,可以仅显示单个指定通道的频谱分析数据。


5.点击table entry for a spectrum monitor radio, then click连接


Viewing Connected Spectrum Analysis Devices

将一个或多个频谱监视器或混合动力AP连接到频谱分析客户端后,Diagnostics>工具>Spectrum Analysis>频谱监测器窗口显示当前连接的频谱设备的表。此表包括每个频谱监视器或混合AP的名称及其当前无线电band频带是指电磁辐射的指定频率范围。(2.4GHZ.Gigahertz。或5.GHZ.Gigahertz。):

要通过命令行界面查看连接的频谱设备列表,请发出show ap spectrum monitors命令。

Disconnecting Spectrum Device

频谱监视器或混合AP可以一次将频谱分析数据发送到一个客户端。完成查看频谱设备的数据时,应释放订阅一个商业模式,客户支付一定金额作为订阅价格,以获得产品或服务的访问。of your client to that spectrum device and allow other clients to view data from that device. A spectrum monitor or hybrid AP automatically disconnects from your client when you close the browser window used to connect the spectrum device your client.

To manually disconnect a spectrum monitor or hybrid APs, log in to themanaged deviceobtained from the托管网络节点层次结构(如图所示)获取管理设备节点详细信息):

1.在里面管理设备node hierarchy, navigate toDiagnostics>工具>Spectrum Analysis

2.Click发射to launch the Spectrum Analysis tool.

3.点击频谱监测器tab in the new window.

4.每个表格条目目前已连接table includes aDisconnect链接以释放客户端的连接到该频谱监视器。确定要释放的Spectrum Monitor的表格条目,然后单击Disconnect

5.A popup window asks you to confirm that you want to disconnect the spectrum monitor from the spectrum analysis client. Click好的。The spectrum monitor disconnects from the client and the device’s entry is removed from the目前已连接桌子。

When you disconnect a spectrum device from your client, the AP continues to operate as a spectrum monitor要么hybrid AP直到你回来设备T.O AP模式通过删除本地频谱覆盖,或通过将AP的802.11a或802.11g从频谱模式的无线电分布更改为ap模式来改变AP中的模式参数。

如果您使用Internet Explorer具有多个Internet Explorer浏览器的实例打开,并且关闭Spectrum浏览器窗口而无需手动断开频谱设备,独立式controller在关闭Spectrum Client浏览器窗口后,不会将数据流连接释放到频谱监视器到60秒。在此60秒内,频谱监视器仍然连接到客户端。


每个频谱监视器无线电只能一次将信息发送到一个客户端。如果您登录独立controllerand the spectrum monitor dashboard does not display any data for the selected radio, another user may be logged in to the stand-alonecontroller当时。请注意,两个客户端可以访问双无线电频谱监视器;每个无线电的一个客户端。

Converting a Spectrum Monitor Back to an AP or Air Monitor

如果要将频谱监视器无线电转换回AP或AM空气监测器。我是无线AP支持的操作模式。当AP在空中监视器模式下操作时,它通过收集统计数据,监控流量,检测入侵,强制安全策略,平衡无线交通负荷,自我修复覆盖空间等来增强无线网络。但是,客户端无法连接到AM模式下的AP。mode but the radio still comes up as a spectrum monitor, access the command-line interface and see if that spectrum monitor appears in the output of theshow ap spectrum local-override命令。如果频谱监视器显示在本地覆盖配置文件表中,请发出命令ap spectrum local-override no override ap-name spectrum-band to remove the local override for that spectrum monitor and return the radio to AP orAM空气监测器。我是无线AP支持的操作模式。当AP在空中监视器模式下操作时,它通过收集统计数据,监控流量,检测入侵,强制安全策略,平衡无线交通负荷,自我修复覆盖空间等来增强无线网络。但是,客户端无法连接到AM模式下的AP。模式。


If you access the spectrum analysis dashboard using the Safari 5.0 browser, clicking the backspace button may return you to the previous browser screen. Avoid using the backspace button when changing dashboard view names or chart options.


Loading a Spectrum View

Saved spectrum view preferences may not be backwards compatible with the spectrum analysis dashboard in earlier versions of阿鲁巴斯。如果您降级为早期版本阿鲁巴斯您的客户端无法在Spectrum Dashboard中加载已保存的频谱视图,访问CLI.Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.and issue the commandap spectrum clear-webui-view-settingsto delete the saved spectrum views and display default view settings in the spectrum dashboard.

了解Spectrum Analysis Syslog消息


The four syslog message types appear in the following formats:

AM空气监测器。我是无线AP支持的操作模式。当AP在空中监视器模式下操作时,它通过收集统计数据,监控流量,检测入侵,强制安全策略,平衡无线交通负荷,自我修复覆盖空间等来增强无线网络。但是,客户端无法连接到AM模式下的AP。:频谱:找到新的WiFi设备= [addr:%s]SSID.Service Set Identifier. SSID is a name given to a WLAN and is used by the client to access a WLAN network.= [SSID.Service Set Identifier. SSID is a name given to a WLAN and is used by the client to access a WLAN network.:%s]BSSIDBasic Service Set Identifier. The BSSID identifies a particular BSS within an area. In infrastructure BSS networks, the BSSID is the MAC address of the AP. In independent BSS or ad hoc networks, the BSSID is generated randomly.[BSSID.Basic Service Set Identifier. The BSSID identifies a particular BSS within an area. In infrastructure BSS networks, the BSSID is the MAC address of the AP. In independent BSS or ad hoc networks, the BSSID is generated randomly._str: % s]设备ID (: % d)

AM空气监测器。我是无线AP支持的操作模式。当AP在空中监视器模式下操作时,它通过收集统计数据,监控流量,检测入侵,强制安全策略,平衡无线交通负荷,自我修复覆盖空间等来增强无线网络。但是,客户端无法连接到AM模式下的AP。: Spectrum: deleting wifi device = [addr:%s]SSID.Service Set Identifier. SSID is a name given to a WLAN and is used by the client to access a WLAN network.= [SSID.Service Set Identifier. SSID is a name given to a WLAN and is used by the client to access a WLAN network.:%s]BSSIDBasic Service Set Identifier. The BSSID identifies a particular BSS within an area. In infrastructure BSS networks, the BSSID is the MAC address of the AP. In independent BSS or ad hoc networks, the BSSID is generated randomly.[BSSID.Basic Service Set Identifier. The BSSID identifies a particular BSS within an area. In infrastructure BSS networks, the BSSID is the MAC address of the AP. In independent BSS or ad hoc networks, the BSSID is generated randomly._str: % s]设备ID (: % d)

AM空气监测器。我是无线AP支持的操作模式。当AP在空中监视器模式下操作时,它通过收集统计数据,监控流量,检测入侵,强制安全策略,平衡无线交通负荷,自我修复覆盖空间等来增强无线网络。但是,客户端无法连接到AM模式下的AP。: Spectrum: new non-wifi device found = DEVICE ID [did:%u] Type [dytpe:%s] Signal [sig:%u] Freq [freq:%u]KHz Bandwidth [bw:%u]KHz

AM空气监测器。我是无线AP支持的操作模式。当AP在空中监视器模式下操作时,它通过收集统计数据,监控流量,检测入侵,强制安全策略,平衡无线交通负荷,自我修复覆盖空间等来增强无线网络。但是,客户端无法连接到AM模式下的AP。:Spectrum:删除非WiFi设备=设备ID [DID:%D]类型[DTYPE:%S]

Playing a Recording in the RFPlayback Tool

The ArubaRFPlayback工具是定期更新的支持improvements to the阿鲁巴斯Spectrum Analysis feature. The RFPlayback tool can play spectrum recordings created in the same version of阿鲁巴斯要么earlier releases. If the RFPlayback tool cannot load a newer recording, you may need to download a more recent version of the tool from theArubawebsite.
