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FFT Duty Cycle

TheFFTFast Fourier Transform. FFT is a frequency analysis mechanism that aims at faster conversion of a discrete signal in time domain into a discrete frequency domain representation. See also DFT.Duty Cycle chart is a line chart that shows the duty cycle for each frequency bin. The width of the each frequency bin depends on the resolution bandwidth of the spectrum monitor. The spectrum analysis feature considers a frequency bin to be used if the detected power in that bin is at least 20dBDecibel. Unit of measure for sound or noise and is the difference or ratio between two signal levels.higher than the nominal noise floor on that channel. TheFFTFast Fourier Transform. FFT is a frequency analysis mechanism that aims at faster conversion of a discrete signal in time domain into a discrete frequency domain representation. See also DFT.Duty Cycle provides a more granular view of the duty cycle per bin as opposed to the aggregated channel utilization reported in the Channel Metrics chart.

A hybrid AP on a 20 MHz channel will see 40 MHz Wi-Fi data as non-Wi-Fi data.

This chart can show the duty cycle over the last second, the maximumFFTFast Fourier Transform. FFT is a frequency analysis mechanism that aims at faster conversion of a discrete signal in time domain into a discrete frequency domain representation. See also DFT.duty cycle measured for all samples taken over the last N sweeps, and the greatestFFTFast Fourier Transform. FFT is a frequency analysis mechanism that aims at faster conversion of a discrete signal in time domain into a discrete frequency domain representation. See also DFT.duty cycle recorded since the chart was last reset.

Click the down arrow in the upper right corner of this chart, then click theOptionsmenu to access these configuration settings. Once you have configured the desired parameters, clickOKat the bottom of theOptionsmenu to save your settings and return to the spectrum dashboards.

Table 1:FFT Duty Cycle Options



BandBand refers to a specified range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.

RadiobandBand refers to a specified range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.displayed in this graph.

For spectrum monitor radios using the 5GHzGigahertz.radiobandBand refers to a specified range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation., click theBanddrop-down list and select5 GHz Low,5 GHz Centeror5 GHz Highto display data for that portion of the 5GHzGigahertz.radiobandBand refers to a specified range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.. This parameter is not configurable for graphs created by hybrid APs or spectrum monitor radios that use the 2.4GHzGigahertz.radiobandBand refers to a specified range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation..

Channel Numbering

This parameter is not configurable for graphs created by hybrid APs or spectrum monitor radios that use the 2.4GHzGigahertz.radiobandBand refers to a specified range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.. A hybrid AP on a 20MHzMegahertzchannel sees 40MHzMegahertzWi-FiWi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices to connect to a WLAN network, mainly using the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands. Wi-Fi can apply to products that use any 802.11 as non-Wi-FiWi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices to connect to a WLAN network, mainly using the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands. Wi-Fi can apply to products that use any 802.11 For spectrum monitors using the 5GHzGigahertz.radiobandBand refers to a specified range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation., click theChannel Numberingdrop-down list and select either20 MHzor40 MHzchannel numbering to identify a channel numbering scheme for the graph. Graphs for AP radios that support 802.11AC include an additional80 MHzoption for very-high-throughput channels.


Select eitherChannelorFrequencyto show the duty cycle for a range of channels or frequencies.

Channel Range

If you selectedChannelin theX-Axisparameter, you must also specify a channel range to determine which channels appear in the x-axis of this chart. Click the first drop-down list to select the lowest channel in the range, then click the second drop-down list to select the highest channel to appear in the chart.

NOTE:This parameter is not configurable for graphs created by hybrid APs.


Select eitherFrequencyorChannelto show the duty cycle for a range of frequencies or channels.


Select a check box to display that information on theFFTFast Fourier Transform. FFT is a frequency analysis mechanism that aims at faster conversion of a discrete signal in time domain into a discrete frequency domain representation. See also DFT.Duty Cycle chart.

Duty Cycle:The percentage of duty cycle the channel or frequency was actively used.

Max Hold:The maximum recorded percentage of active duty cycles for the channel frequency since the chart was last reset. To clear this setting, click the down arrow at the end of the title bar for this graph and selectReset MaxHold.

Max of last sweeps:This chart shows the maximum percentage of active duty cycles for the channel of frequency recorded during the last 10 sweeps, by default. To change the number of sweeps used to determine this value, enter a number from 2 to 20, inclusive. To clear this setting, click the down arrow at the end of the title bar for this graph and selectReset MaxNSweep.
