Verifying Contracts on AP
The following example displays the bandwidth contracts on an AP for per-role configuration:
(host) [md] #show datapath bwm ap-name rap5-2
Datapath Bandwidth Management Table Entries
Contract Types :
0 - CP Dos 1 - Configured contracts 2 - Internal contracts
国旗:Q -没有下降,P -没有形状(只有监管),
T - Auto tuned
--- -------- --------- ---------- ----------- -----------------
Cont Avail Queued/Pkts
Type Id Bits/sec Policed Bytes Bytes Flags
---- ---- --------- ---------- ------- ------------ -----
1 1 512000 0 16000 0/0 P
1 2 256000 0 8000 0/0 P
The following example displays the bandwidth contracts on AP for per-user configuration (contract IDs 3 and 4 are per-user contracts):
(host) [md] #show datapath bwm ap-name rap5-2
Datapath Bandwidth Management Table Entries
Contract Types :
0 - CP Dos 1 - Configured contracts 2 - Internal contracts
国旗:Q -没有下降,P -没有形状(只有监管),
T - Auto tuned
--- -------- --------- ---------- ----------- -----------------
Cont Avail Queued/Pkts
Type Id Bits/sec Policed Bytes Bytes Flags
---- ---- --------- ---------- ------- ------------ -----
1 1 512000 300 16000 0/0 P
1 2 256000 277 8000 0/0 P
1 3 512000 0 16000 0/0 P
1 4 256000 0 8000 0/0 P