ArubaOS Center

SecondaryManaged Device

The secondarymanaged deviceprovides reliability and redundancy; however the functionality of a secondarymanaged deviceis initiated only after an AP terminates on amanaged devicesuccessfully and retrieves the configuration. If the AP boots up and fails to connect to themanaged devicethe AP cannot be managed. To address this,ArubaOS8.0 introduces the secondarymanaged devicefeature.

In a scenario where themanaged deviceis not reachable, the AP will try to reach the secondarymanaged deviceand if successful will terminate on the secondarymanaged device. The secondarymanaged devicedetails are not stored in the system flash when the AP is deployed for the first time, but only after a successful configuration. An AP can use the secondarymanaged devicefeature after the AP reboots.

If an AP has not been configured to amanaged deviceafter deployment, the secondarymanaged devicefeature will not be applicable.

The following procedure describes how to enable the secondarymanaged devicefeature:

1.In theManaged Networknode hierarchy, navigate toConfiguration>System>Profiles.

2.SelectAP >AP SystemunderAll Profiles.

3.Select the AP profile for which the secondary managed device feature is to be enabled. The AP system profile section is displayed.

4.Enter an IP orFQDNFully Qualified Domain Name. FQDN is a complete domain name that identifies a computer or host on the Internet.value for the secondary managed device in theSecondary Master IP/FQDNfield.


6.ClickPending Changes.

7.In thePending Changeswindow, select the check box and clickDeploy changes.

The secondarymanaged devicefeature can be enabled on the secondarymanaged device.

The followingCLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.commands enable the secondarymanaged devicefeature.

(host) [mynode] (config) #ap system-profile

(host) [mynode] (AP system profile "profile name")#secondary-master
