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Provisioning Remote AP for USB Modems

To enable 3G or 4G network support, you must provision the Remote AP with the USB parameters on themanaged device. You can use the WebUI or CLI to provision the USB parameters.

The following procedure describes how to provisionRemote APforUSBUniversal Serial Bus. USB is a connection standard that offers a common interface for communication between the external devices and a computer. USB is the most common port used in the client devices.modems:

1.In theManaged Networknode hierarchy, navigate to theConfiguration > Access Points > Remote APs选项卡。

2.Select theremote APRemote APs extend corporate network to the users working from home or at temporary work sites. Remote APs are deplyed at branch office sites and are connected to the central network on a WAN link.and clickProvision.

3.SelectUplink选项卡。This tab is displayed only when aRemote APRemote APs extend corporate network to the users working from home or at temporary work sites. Remote APs are deplyed at branch office sites and are connected to the central network on a WAN link.被选中。

4.Select a profile from theUSB Profiledrop-down list. This field is displayed only when the device isUSBUniversal Serial Bus. USB is a connection standard that offers a common interface for communication between the external devices and a computer. USB is the most common port used in the client devices.enabled.


6.ClickPending Changes.

7.In thePending Changeswindow, select the check box and clickDeploy changes.

Table 1:Cellular Network Preference Parameters

Parameter Description

auto (default)

In this mode, the modem firmware will control the cellular network service selection; so the cellular network service failover and fallback is not interrupted by theRemote APRemote APs extend corporate network to the users working from home or at temporary work sites. Remote APs are deplyed at branch office sites and are connected to the central network on a WAN link..


Locks the modem to operate only in3GThird Generation of Wireless Mobile Telecommunications Technology. See W-CDMA..


Locks the modem to operate only in4GFourth Generation of Wireless Mobile Telecommunications Technology. See LTE..


TheRemote APRemote APs extend corporate network to the users working from home or at temporary work sites. Remote APs are deplyed at branch office sites and are connected to the central network on a WAN link.controls the cellular network service selection based on anRSSIReceived Signal Strength Indicator. RSSI is a mechanism by which RF energy is measured by the circuitry on a wireless NIC (0-255). The RSSI is not standard across vendors. Each vendor determines its own RSSI scale/values.threshold-based approach.

Initially the modem is set to the default auto mode. This allows the modem firmware to select the available network.

TheRemote APRemote APs extend corporate network to the users working from home or at temporary work sites. Remote APs are deplyed at branch office sites and are connected to the central network on a WAN link.determines theRSSIReceived Signal Strength Indicator. RSSI is a mechanism by which RF energy is measured by the circuitry on a wireless NIC (0-255). The RSSI is not standard across vendors. Each vendor determines its own RSSI scale/values.value for the available network type (for example4GFourth Generation of Wireless Mobile Telecommunications Technology. See LTE.), checks whether theRSSIReceived Signal Strength Indicator. RSSI is a mechanism by which RF energy is measured by the circuitry on a wireless NIC (0-255). The RSSI is not standard across vendors. Each vendor determines its own RSSI scale/ within required range, and if so, connects to that network.

If theRSSIReceived Signal Strength Indicator. RSSI is a mechanism by which RF energy is measured by the circuitry on a wireless NIC (0-255). The RSSI is not standard across vendors. Each vendor determines its own RSSI scale/values.for the modem’s selected network is not within the required range, theRemote APRemote APs extend corporate network to the users working from home or at temporary work sites. Remote APs are deplyed at branch office sites and are connected to the central network on a WAN link.will then check theRSSIReceived Signal Strength Indicator. RSSI is a mechanism by which RF energy is measured by the circuitry on a wireless NIC (0-255). The RSSI is not standard across vendors. Each vendor determines its own RSSI scale/values.limit of an alternate network (for example,3GThird Generation of Wireless Mobile Telecommunications Technology. See W-CDMA.), and reconnect to that alternate network. TheRemote APRemote APs extend corporate network to the users working from home or at temporary work sites. Remote APs are deplyed at branch office sites and are connected to the central network on a WAN link.will repeat the above steps each time it tries to connect using a4GFourth Generation of Wireless Mobile Telecommunications Technology. See LTE.multimode modem in this mode.

The followingCLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.commands provisionRemote APforUSBUniversal Serial Bus. USB is a connection standard that offers a common interface for communication between the external devices and a computer. USB is the most common port used in the client devices.modems:

To enable 4G-exclusive network support on the Remote AP, execute the following commands:

(主机)(md)(config) #ap provisioning-profile

(主机)(md)(Provisioning profile "") usb-type

(主机)(md)(Provisioning profile "") #usb-type none

(主机)(md)(Provisioning profile "") #cellular_nw_preference 4g_only

To enable 3G-exclusive network support on the Remote AP, execute the following commands:

(主机)(md)(config) #ap provisioning-profile

(主机)(md)(Provisioning profile "") usb-type

(主机)(md)(Provisioning profile "") #usb-type none

(主机)(md)(Provisioning profile "") #cellular_nw_preference 3g_only

To enable 3G or 4G network switch support, execute the following commands:

(主机)(md)(config) #ap provisioning-profile

(主机)(md)(Provisioning profile "") usb-type

(主机)(md)(Provisioning profile "") #usb-type none

(主机)(md)(Provisioning profile "") #cellular_nw_preference auto
