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Configuring the LMS and Backup LMS IP Addresses

下面的过程介绍如何配置theLMSLocal Management Switch. In multi-controller networks, each controller acts as an LMS and terminates user traffic from the APs, processes, and forwards the traffic to the wired network.and BackupLMSLocal Management Switch. In multi-controller networks, each controller acts as an LMS and terminates user traffic from the APs, processes, and forwards the traffic to the wired network.IP addresses:

1.In theManaged Networknode hierarchy, navigate to theConfiguration > System > Profilestab.

2.SelectAP >AP systemunderAll Profiles.

3.Select the AP system profile you want to modify.

4.Enter the following details in theLMS Settingsaccordion:

a.Enter the primarymanaged deviceIP address, in theLMS IPfield.

b.Enter the backupmanaged deviceIP address, in theBackup LMS IPfield.


6.ClickPending Changes.

7.In thePending Changeswindow, select the check box and clickDeploy changes.

The followingCLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.commands configures theLMSLocal Management Switch. In multi-controller networks, each controller acts as an LMS and terminates user traffic from the APs, processes, and forwards the traffic to the wired network.and BackupLMSLocal Management Switch. In multi-controller networks, each controller acts as an LMS and terminates user traffic from the APs, processes, and forwards the traffic to the wired network.IP addresses:

(host) [md] (config) #ap system-profile



(host) [md] (config) #ap-group


(host) [md] (config) #ap-name

