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Overview of Mesh Profiles


完整的网格配置文件由网格无线电配置文件组成RFRadio Frequency. RF refers to the electromagnetic wave frequencies within a range of 3 kHz to 300 GHz, including the frequencies used for communications or Radar signals.管理 (802.11a802.11aprovides specifications for wireless systems. Networks using 802.11a operate at radio frequencies in the 5 GHz band. The specification uses a modulation scheme known as orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) that is especially well suited to use in office settings. The maximum data transfer rate is 54 Mbps.802.11g802.11g提供的传输在相对较短的距离时以高达54 Mbps的速度,而11 Mbps的理论最大为802.11b标准。802.11g使用802.11a中使用的调制方案(OFDM)进行正交频分多路复用(OFDM),以获得更高的数据速度。设置为802.11g的计算机或终端可以降至11 Mbps的速度,因此802.11b和802.11g设备可以在单个网络中兼容。)无线电配置文件,高通量SSIDService Set Identifier. SSID is a name given to a WLAN and is used by the client to access a WLAN network.个人资料(如果您的部署包括802.11n802.11nis a wireless networking standard to improve network throughput over the two previous standards, 802.11a and 802.11g. With 802.11n, there will be a significant increase in the maximum raw data rate from 54 Mbps to 600 Mbps with the use of four spatial streams at a channel width of 40 MHz.-capable APs), a mesh cluster profile, and a read-only recovery profile. The recovery profile is dynamically generated by theMobility Master; you do not explicitly configure the recovery profile.

Arubaprovides a default version of the mesh radio,RFRadio Frequency. RF refers to the electromagnetic wave frequencies within a range of 3 kHz to 300 GHz, including the frequencies used for communications or Radar, high-throughputSSIDService Set Identifier. SSID is a name given to a WLAN and is used by the client to access a WLAN network.和cluster profiles with default values for most parameters. You can use the default version of a profile or create a new instance of a profile which you can then edit as you need. You can change the values of any parameter in a profile. You have the flexibility of applying the default versions of profiles in addition to customizing profiles that are necessary for the AP or AP group to function.

If you assign a profile to an individual AP, the values in the profile override the profile assigned to the AP group to which the AP belongs. The exception is the mesh cluster profile: you can apply multiple mesh cluster profiles to individual APs, as well as to AP groups.

The various types of mesh profiles are described below:


Mesh clusters are grouped and defined by a mesh群集配置文件,提供网络网络的框架。与虚拟AP配置文件类似,网格群集配置文件包含MSSIDMesh Service Set Identifier. MSSID is the SSID used by the client to access a wireless mesh network.,网格节点与邻居相关并加入集群所需的身份验证方法,安全凭证和群集优先级。关联的网状节点将此信息存储在闪存中。尽管大多数网格部署仅需要一个网格群集配置文件,但您可以配置并将多个网格群集配置文件应用于AP组或单个AP。如果您有多个群集配置文件,则网状门户使用具有最高优先级的配置文件来提出网络网络。相比之下,网格点浏览了网格集群配置文件的列表,以确定将自己与网络联系起来的配置文件。网格群集优先级确定使用网格群集轮廓的顺序。这使您而不是链接度量算法,可以通过定义多个集群配置文件来明确细分网络。

自从米esh cluster profile provides the framework of the mesh network, you must define and configure the mesh cluster profile before configuring an AP to operate as a mesh node. You can use either the default cluster profile or create your own. If you find it necessary to define more than one mesh cluster profile, you must assign priorities to each profile to allow the Mesh AP group to identify the primary and backup mesh cluster profiles. The primary mesh cluster profile and each backup mesh cluster profile must be configured to use the sameRFRadio Frequency. RF refers to the electromagnetic wave frequencies within a range of 3 kHz to 300 GHz, including the frequencies used for communications or Radar signals.渠道。如果将AP分配给具有不同的备份网状群集配置文件,则可能无法正确配置RFRadio Frequency. RF refers to the electromagnetic wave frequencies within a range of 3 kHz to 300 GHz, including the frequencies used for communications or Radar signals.频道比主网格集群配置文件。

如果网格集群配置文件不可用,我sh node can revert to the recovery profile to bring-up the mesh network until the cluster profile is available. You can also exclude one or more mesh cluster profiles from an individual access point, this prevents a mesh cluster profile defined at the AP group level from being applied to a specific AP.

Do not delete or modify mesh cluster profiles once you use them to provision mesh nodes. You can recover the mesh point if the original cluster profile is still available. It is recommended to create a new mesh cluster profile if needed. If you modify any mesh cluster setting, you must reprovision your AP for the changes to take effect (this also causes the AP to automatically reboot).

If you configure multiple cluster profiles with different cluster priorities, you manually override the link metric algorithm because the priority takes precedence over the path cost. In this scenario, the mesh portal uses the profile with the highest priority to bring-up the mesh network. The mesh portal stores and advertises that one profile to neighboring mesh nodes to build the mesh network. This profile is known as the primary cluster profile. Mesh points, in contrast, go through the list of configured mesh cluster profiles in order of priority to find the profile being advertised by the mesh portal. Once the primary profile has been identified, the other profiles are considered backup cluster profiles. Use this deployment if you want to enforce a particular mesh topology rather than allowing the link metric algorithm to determine the topology.

For this scenario, do the following:



Create an AP group for802.11a802.11aprovides specifications for wireless systems. Networks using 802.11a operate at radio frequencies in the 5 GHz band. The specification uses a modulation scheme known as orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) that is especially well suited to use in office settings. The maximum data transfer rate is 54 Mbps.收音机和802.11g802.11g提供的传输在相对较短的距离时以高达54 Mbps的速度,而11 Mbps的理论最大为802.11b标准。802.11g使用802.11a中使用的调制方案(OFDM)进行正交频分多路复用(OFDM),以获得更高的数据速度。设置为802.11g的计算机或终端可以降至11 Mbps的速度,因此802.11b和802.11g设备可以在单个网络中兼容。收音机

Configure the802.11a802.11aprovides specifications for wireless systems. Networks using 802.11a operate at radio frequencies in the 5 GHz band. The specification uses a modulation scheme known as orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) that is especially well suited to use in office settings. The maximum data transfer rate is 54 Mbps.or802.11g802.11g提供的传输在相对较短的距离时以高达54 Mbps的速度,而11 Mbps的理论最大为802.11b标准。802.11g使用802.11a中使用的调制方案(OFDM)进行正交频分多路复用(OFDM),以获得更高的数据速度。设置为802.11g的计算机或终端可以降至11 Mbps的速度,因此802.11b和802.11g设备可以在单个网络中兼容。RFRadio Frequency. RF refers to the electromagnetic wave frequencies within a range of 3 kHz to 300 GHz, including the frequencies used for communications or Radar profiles for each AP group.

If your deployment includes high-throughput APs, configure the mesh high-throughputSSIDService Set Identifier. SSID is a name given to a WLAN and is used by the client to access a WLAN network.轮廓。网格无线电配置文件使用默认高通量SSIDService Set Identifier. SSID is a name given to a WLAN and is used by the client to access a WLAN network.profile unless you specifically configure the mesh radio profile to use a different high-throughputSSIDService Set Identifier. SSID is a name given to a WLAN and is used by the client to access a WLAN network.profile

Create an AP group for each802.11a802.11aprovides specifications for wireless systems. Networks using 802.11a operate at radio frequencies in the 5 GHz band. The specification uses a modulation scheme known as orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) that is especially well suited to use in office settings. The maximum data transfer rate is 54 Mbps.渠道。


About Mesh Radio Profiles

The mesh radio profile allows you to specify the set of rates used to transmit data on the mesh link. This profile also allows you to define areselection-modesetting to optimize the operation of the link metric algorithm. The reselection mode specifies the method a mesh node uses to find a better uplink to create a path to the mesh portal. Only neighbors on the same channel in the same mesh cluster are considered.

The mesh radio profile includes the following reselection mode options:

reselect-任何时候:使用reselect-anytimereselection mode perform a single topology readjustment scan within 9 minutes of startup and 4 minutes after a link is formed. If no better parent is found, the mesh point returns to its original parent. This initial scan evaluates more distant mesh points before closer mesh points, and incurs a dropout of 5–8 seconds for each mesh point. After the initial startup scan is completed, connected mesh nodes evaluate mesh links every 30 seconds. If a mesh node finds a better uplink, the mesh node connects to the new parent to create an improved path to the mesh portal.


startup-subthreshold:使用startup-subthresholdreselection mode perform a single topology readjustment scan within 9 minutes of startup and 4 minutes after a link is formed. If no better parent is found, the mesh point returns to its original parent. This initial startup scan evaluates more distant mesh points before closer mesh points, and incurs a dropout of 5–8 seconds for each mesh point. After that time, each mesh node evaluates alternative links if the existing uplink falls below the configured threshold level (the link becomes a sub-threshold link). It is recommended to use this defaultstartup-subthresholdvalue.


If a mesh point using thestartup-subthresholdorsubthreshold-onlymode reselects a more distant parent because its original, closer parent falls below the acceptable threshold, then as long as that mesh point is connected to that more distant parent, it seeks to reselect a parent at the earlier, shorter distance (or less) with good link quality. For example, if a mesh point disconnects from a mesh parent 2 hops away and subsequently reconnects to a mesh parent 3 hops away, then the mesh point continues to seek a connection to a mesh parent with both an acceptable link quality and a distance of two hops or less, even if the more distant parent also has an acceptable link quality.

About RF Management (802.11a and 802.11g) Profiles

他们俩802.11a802.11aprovides specifications for wireless systems. Networks using 802.11a operate at radio frequencies in the 5 GHz band. The specification uses a modulation scheme known as orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) that is especially well suited to use in office settings. The maximum data transfer rate is 54 Mbps.802.11g802.11g提供的传输在相对较短的距离时以高达54 Mbps的速度,而11 Mbps的理论最大为802.11b标准。802.11g使用802.11a中使用的调制方案(OFDM)进行正交频分多路复用(OFDM),以获得更高的数据速度。设置为802.11g的计算机或终端可以降至11 Mbps的速度,因此802.11b和802.11g设备可以在单个网络中兼容。RFRadio Frequency. RF refers to the electromagnetic wave frequencies within a range of 3 kHz to 300 GHz, including the frequencies used for communications or Radar signals.AP的管理配置文件配置802.11a802.11aprovides specifications for wireless systems. Networks using 802.11a operate at radio frequencies in the 5 GHz band. The specification uses a modulation scheme known as orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) that is especially well suited to use in office settings. The maximum data transfer rate is 54 Mbps.(5GHzGigahertz.) 和802.11g802.11g提供的传输在相对较短的距离时以高达54 Mbps的速度,而11 Mbps的理论最大为802.11b标准。802.11g使用802.11a中使用的调制方案(OFDM)进行正交频分多路复用(OFDM),以获得更高的数据速度。设置为802.11g的计算机或终端可以降至11 Mbps的速度,因此802.11b和802.11g设备可以在单个网络中兼容。(2.4GHzGigahertz.) radio settings. Use these profile settings to determine the channel, beacon period, transmit power, andARMAdaptive Radio Management. ARM dynamically monitors and adjusts the network to ensure that all users are allowed ready access. It enables full utilization of the available spectrum to support maximum number of users by intelligently choosing the best RF channel and transmit power for APs in their current RF environment.profile for a mesh AP’s 5GHzGigahertz.和2.4GHzGigahertz.frequency乐队频带是指电磁辐射的指定频率范围。。You can either use the default version of each profile, or create a new802.11a802.11aprovides specifications for wireless systems. Networks using 802.11a operate at radio frequencies in the 5 GHz band. The specification uses a modulation scheme known as orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) that is especially well suited to use in office settings. The maximum data transfer rate is 54 Mbps.or802.11g802.11g提供的传输在相对较短的距离时以高达54 Mbps的速度,而11 Mbps的理论最大为802.11b标准。802.11g使用802.11a中使用的调制方案(OFDM)进行正交频分多路复用(OFDM),以获得更高的数据速度。设置为802.11g的计算机或终端可以降至11 Mbps的速度,因此802.11b和802.11g设备可以在单个网络中兼容。profile which you can then configure as necessary. EachRFRadio Frequency. RF refers to the electromagnetic wave frequencies within a range of 3 kHz to 300 GHz, including the frequencies used for communications or Radar signals.管理资料也有一个无线电parameter that allows you to enable or disable the AP’s ability to simultaneously carryWLANWireless Local Area Network. WLAN is a 802.11 standards-based LAN that the users access through a wireless connection.client traffic and mesh-backhaul traffic on that radio. This value is enabled by default.

如果您不希望携带网格旁路流量的网格收音机来支持客户流量,请考虑使用专用802.11a802.11aprovides specifications for wireless systems. Networks using 802.11a operate at radio frequencies in the 5 GHz band. The specification uses a modulation scheme known as orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) that is especially well suited to use in office settings. The maximum data transfer rate is 54 Mbps.or802.11g802.11g提供的传输在相对较短的距离时以高达54 Mbps的速度,而11 Mbps的理论最大为802.11b标准。802.11g使用802.11a中使用的调制方案(OFDM)进行正交频分多路复用(OFDM),以获得更高的数据速度。设置为802.11g的计算机或终端可以降至11 Mbps的速度,因此802.11b和802.11g设备可以在单个网络中兼容。radio profile with the mesh radio disabled. In this scenario, the radiocarries mesh backhaul traffic butdoes not support client Virtual APs.

Mesh nodes operating in different cluster profiles can share the same radio profile. Conversely, mesh portals using the same cluster profile can be assigned differentRFRadio Frequency. RF refers to the electromagnetic wave frequencies within a range of 3 kHz to 300 GHz, including the frequencies used for communications or Radar signals.管理无线电配置文件以实现频率分离(有关更多信息,请参阅具有多个网格群集配置文件的部署

About High-Throughput Radio Profiles

每一个802.11a802.11aprovides specifications for wireless systems. Networks using 802.11a operate at radio frequencies in the 5 GHz band. The specification uses a modulation scheme known as orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) that is especially well suited to use in office settings. The maximum data transfer rate is 54 Mbps.802.11g802.11g提供的传输在相对较短的距离时以高达54 Mbps的速度,而11 Mbps的理论最大为802.11b标准。802.11g使用802.11a中使用的调制方案(OFDM)进行正交频分多路复用(OFDM),以获得更高的数据速度。设置为802.11g的计算机或终端可以降至11 Mbps的速度,因此802.11b和802.11g设备可以在单个网络中兼容。radio profile also references a high-throughput profile that manages an AP or AP group’s 40MHz兆赫公差设置。

About Mesh High-Throughput SSID Profiles

High-throughput APs support additional settings not available in legacy APs. A mesh high-throughputSSIDService Set Identifier. SSID is a name given to a WLAN and is used by the client to access a WLAN network.概要文件可以启用或禁用高通量(802.11n802.11nis a wireless networking standard to improve network throughput over the two previous standards, 802.11a and 802.11g. With 802.11n, there will be a significant increase in the maximum raw data rate from 54 Mbps to 600 Mbps with the use of four spatial streams at a channel width of 40 MHz.) features and 40MHz兆赫channel usage, and define values A-MDPUs andMCS调制和编码方案。MCS用作确定高吞吐量无线连接的数据速率。ranges.

Arubaprovides a default version of the mesh high-throughputSSIDService Set Identifier. SSID is a name given to a WLAN and is used by the client to access a WLAN network.轮廓。You can use the default version or create a new instance of a profile which you can then edit as you need. High-throughput mesh nodes operating in different cluster profiles can share the same high-throughputSSIDService Set Identifier. SSID is a name given to a WLAN and is used by the client to access a WLAN profile.

About Wired AP Profiles

The wired AP profile controls the configuration of theEthernet以太网是用于通过LAN的​​数据传输的网络协议。您的AP上的端口。您可以使用有线AP配置文件进行配置Ethernet以太网是用于通过LAN的​​数据传输的网络协议。ports for bridging or secure jack operation using the wired AP profile.

About Mesh Recovery Profiles

除了默认和用户定义的网格群集配置文件外,网格节点还具有一个recovery profile. TheMobility Master动态生成恢复配置文件,每个网格节点由相同Mobility Masterhas the same recovery profile. The recovery profile is based on aPSK预共享密钥。以前通过使用安全渠道在两方之间共享的独特共享秘密。这与WPA安全性一起使用,该安全性要求网络的所有者向用户提供密码以进行网络访问。, and mesh nodes use the recovery profile to establish a link to themanaged deviceif the mesh link is broken and no other mesh cluster profiles are available.

The mesh portal advertises the provisioned cluster profile. If a mesh point is unaware of the active mesh cluster profile, but is aware of and has the same recovery profile as the mesh portal, the mesh point can use the recovery profile to connect to the mesh portal.

网格点必须具有与其连接的父级相同的恢复配置文件。如果您提供相同的网格点Mobility Master,恢复配置文件应匹配。

To verify that the recovery profile names match, use the following command:
显示AP网格debug provisioned-clusters {ap-name |BSSID |ip-addr }。

To view the recovery profile on themanaged device, use the following command:
show running-config | include recovery

If a mesh point connects to a parent using the recovery profile, it may immediately exit recovery if the parent is actively using one of its provisioned mesh cluster profiles. Once in recovery, a mesh point periodically exits recovery to see if it can connect using an available provisioned mesh cluster profile. The recovery profile is read-only; it cannot be modified or deleted.

The recovery profile is stored in theMobility Master’s configuration file and is unique to thatMobility Master。如有必要,您可以将您的配置转移到另一种managed device。If you do so, make sure your new mesh cluster is running and you have re-provisioned the mesh nodes before deleting your previous configuration. The APs learn the new recovery profile after they are provisioned with the newmanaged device。This is also true if you provision a mesh node with oneMobility Master并以不同的方式使用Mobility Master。In this case, the recovery profiledoes nOT在网格节点上工作,直到您使用新的Mobility Master
