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Working with Firewall Features

If you installed apefngPolicy Enforcement Firewall. PEF also known as PEFNG provides context-based controls to enforce application-layer security and prioritization. The customers using Aruba mobility controllers can avail PEF features and services by obtaining a PEF license. PEF for VPN users—Customers with PEF for VPN license can apply firewall policies to the user traffic routed to a controller through a VPN tunnel.许可证Mobility Master,您可以配置firewall防火墙是一种网络安全系统,用于防止未经授权访问或从专用网络访问。functions for IPv6 client traffic. While thesefirewall防火墙是一种网络安全系统,用于防止未经授权访问或从专用网络访问。functions are identical tofirewall防火墙是一种网络安全系统,用于防止未经授权访问或从专用网络访问。IPv4客户端的功能,您需要明确将其配置为IPv6流量。有关有关的更多信息firewall防火墙是一种网络安全系统,用于防止未经授权访问或从专用网络访问。policies, seeUnderstanding Global Firewall Parameters.

Voice-related andNATNetwork Address Translation. NAT is a method of remapping one IP address space into another by modifying network address information in Internet Protocol (IP) datagram packet headers while they are in transit across a traffic routing device.firewall防火墙是一种网络安全系统,用于防止未经授权访问或从专用网络访问。functions are not supported for IPv6 traffic.

Table 1:IPv6防火墙参数




Number ofICMPInternet Control Message Protocol. ICMP is an error reporting protocol. It is used by network devices such as routers, to send error messages and operational information to the source IP address when network problems prevent delivery of IP packets.每30秒的ping(如果超过)可以表明DoSDenial of Service. DoS is any type of attack where the attackers send excessive messages to flood traffic and thereby preventing the legitimate users from accessing the service.attack. Valid range is 1-16384 pings per 30 seconds.

Recommended value is 120.

Default: No default

Monitor TCP SYN Attack rate (per 30 seconds)

Number ofTCPTransmission Control Protocol. TCP is a communication protocol that defines the standards for establishing and maintaining network connection for applications to exchange data.SYN messages per 30 second, which if exceeded, can indicate aDoSDenial of Service. DoS is any type of attack where the attackers send excessive messages to flood traffic and thereby preventing the legitimate users from accessing the service.attack. Valid range is 1-16384 pings per 30 seconds.


Default: No default

Monitor IP Session Attack (per 30 seconds)

Number ofTCPTransmission Control Protocol. TCP is a communication protocol that defines the standards for establishing and maintaining network connection for applications to exchange data.或者UDPUser Datagram Protocol. UDP is a part of the TCP/IP family of protocols used for data transfer. UDP is typically used for streaming media. UDP is a stateless protocol, which means it does not acknowledge that the packets being sent have been received.connection requests per 30 second, which if exceeded, can indicate aDoSDenial of Service. DoS is any type of attack where the attackers send excessive messages to flood traffic and thereby preventing the legitimate users from accessing the service.attack. Valid range is 1-16384 requests per 30 seconds.


Default: No default

Deny Inter User Bridging


Default: Disabled

Deny All IP Fragments

Drops all IP fragments.

笔记:Do not enable this option unless instructed to do so by a nArubarepresentative.

Default: Disabled


Prevents data from passing between two clients until the three-wayTCPTransmission Control Protocol. TCP is a communication protocol that defines the standards for establishing and maintaining network connection for applications to exchange data.handshake has been performed. This option should be disabled when you have mobile clients on the network, as enabling this option will cause mobility to fail. You can enable this option if there are no mobile clients on the network.

Default: Disabled

Prohibit IP Spoofing

Enables detection of IP spoofing (where an intruder sends messages using the IP address of a trusted client). When you enable this option, IP andMAC媒体访问控制。MAC地址是分配给网络通信网络接口的唯一标识符。检查每个地址ARPAddress Resolution Protocol. ARP is used for mapping IP network address to the hardware MAC address of a device.request or response. Traffic from a secondMAC媒体访问控制。MAC地址是分配给网络通信网络接口的唯一标识符。使用特定的IP地址的地址被拒绝,并且该条目未添加到用户表中。可能记录了可能的IP欺骗攻击SNMP简单的网络管理协议。SNMP是用于在IP网络上管理设备的TCP/IP标准协议。通常支持SNMP的设备包括路由器,交换机,服务器,工作站,打印机,调制解调器架等。它主要用于网络管理系统中,以监视网络连接设备以保持关注管理关注的条件。trap is sent.

Default: Disabled

Prohibit RST Replay Attack

When enabled, closes aTCPTransmission Control Protocol. TCP is a communication protocol that defines the standards for establishing and maintaining network connection for applications to exchange data.connection in both directions if aTCPTransmission Control Protocol. TCP is a communication protocol that defines the standards for establishing and maintaining network connection for applications to exchange data.RST is received from either direction. You should not enable this option unless instructed to do so by a nArubarepresentative.

Default: Disabled


目的地(IPv4地址或managed deviceport) to which mirrored session packets are sent. You can configure IPv6 flows to be mirrored with the sessionACLAccess Control List. ACL is a common way of restricting certain types of traffic on a physical port.mirror option. This option is used only for troubleshooting or debugging.

Default: N/A

Session Idle Timeout

Set the time, in seconds, that a non-TCPTransmission Control Protocol. TCP is a communication protocol that defines the standards for establishing and maintaining network connection for applications to exchange data.会话可以在将其从会话表中删除之前闲置。在16–259秒内指定一个值。除非指示这样做,否则您不应设置此选项 nArubarepresentative.


Per-packet Logging

Enables logging of every packet if logging is enabled for the corresponding session rule. Normally, one event is logged per session. If you enable this option, each packet in the session is logged. You should not enable this option unless instructed to do so by a nAruba代表,这样做可能会在managed device.

Default: Disabled (per-session logging is performed)




1.In theMobility Masternode hierarchy, navigate to the配置>服务>防火墙tab.

2.扩展Global Settingaccordion.

3.Under theIPv6column, enter the following:

Enter a value forMonitor ping attack (per 30 sec).

Enter a value forMonitor IP sessions attack(per 30 sec).

Enter a value forMonitor TCP SYN attack rate (per 30 sec).



6。In the等待更改window, select the check box and clickDeploy changes.

以下CLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.commands configurefirewall防火墙是一种网络安全系统,用于防止未经授权访问或从专用网络访问。functions.

(主机)[myNode](config)#ipv6燃烧所有攻击率PING 15

(host) [mynode] (config)#ipv6 firewall attack-rate session 25

(host) [mynode] (config)#ipv6 firewall session-idle-timeout 60
