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Enabling IPv6 Support forMobility Masterand APs

This release ofArubaOS提供IPv6支持Mobility Masterand access points. You can now configure theMobility Masterwith an IPv6 address to manage themanaged devicesand APs. Both IPv4 and IPv6 APs can terminate on the IPv6managed device. You can provision an IPv6 AP in the network only if themanaged deviceinterface is configured with an IPv6 address. An IPv6 AP can serve both IPv4 and IPv6 clients.

Starting fromArubaOS8.4.0.0, you can configure either or both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in one data zone of an AP MultiZone profile. For more information on configuring AP MultiZone profile, seeConfiguring MultiZone.

You must manually configure an IPv6 address on themanaged deviceinterface to enable IPv6 support.

You can also view the IPv6 statistics on themanaged deviceusing the following commands:

show datapath ip-reassembly ipv6— View the IPv6 contents of the IP reassembly statistics table.

show datapath route ipv6— View datapath IPv6 routing table.

show datapath route-cache ipv6— View datapath IPv6 route cache.

show datapath tunnel ipv6— View the tcp tunnel table filtered on IPv6 entries.

show datapath user ipv6— View datapath IPv6 user statistics such as current entries, pending deletes, high water mark, maximum entries, total entries, allocation failures, invalid users, and maximum link length.

show datapath session ipv6— View datapath IPv6 session entries and statistics such as current entries, pending deletes, high water mark, maximum entries, total entries, allocation failures, invalid users, and maximum link length.

Additionally, you can view the IPv6 AP information on themanaged deviceusing the following show commands:

show ap database

show ap active

show user

show ap details ip6-addr

show ap debug

The following table lists IPv6 features:

Table 1:IPv6 APs Support Matrix


Supported on IPv6 APs

Forward Mode - Tunnel


Forward Mode - Decrypt Tunnel


Forward Mode - Bridge


Forward Mode - Split Tunnel


AP Type -Campus APCampus APs are used in private networks where APs connect over private links (LAN, WLAN, WAN or MPLS) and terminate directly on controllers. Campus APs are deployed as part of the indoor campus solution in enterprise office buildings, warehouses, hospitals, universities, and so on.


AP Type -Remote APRemote APs extend corporate network to the users working from home or at temporary work sites. Remote APs are deplyed at branch office sites and are connected to the central network on a WAN link.

Yes (limited support)

AP Type - Mesh Node


CPsecControl Plane Security. CPsec is a secure form of communication between a controller and APs to protect the control plane communications. This is performed by means of using public-key self-signed certificates created by each master controller.


Wired-AP or Secure-Jack


Fragmentation or Reassembly


MTUMaximum Transmission Unit. MTU is the largest size packet or frame specified in octets (eight-bit bytes) that can be sent in networks such as the Internet.Discovery


Provisioning Through Static IPv6 Addresses


我准备通过Pv6FQDNFully Qualified Domain Name. FQDN is a complete domain name that identifies a computer or host on the Internet.Master Name


Provisioning from WebUI


Provisioning Through DHCPv6 Option 52


AP Boot by Flash


AP Boot byTFTPTrivial File Transfer Protocol. The TFTP is a software utility for transferring files from or to a remote host.


WMMWi-Fi Multimedia. WMM is also known as WME. It refers to a Wi-Fi Alliance interoperability certification, based on the IEEE 802.11e standard. It provides basic QoS features to IEEE 802.11 networks. WMM prioritizes traffic according to four ACs: voice (AC_VO), video (AC_VI), best effort (AC_BE), and background (AC_BK).QoSQuality of Service. It refers to the capability of a network to provide better service and performance to a specific network traffic over various technologies.


AP Debug and Syslog


ARM自适应无线电管理。臂动态监控s and adjusts the network to ensure that all users are allowed ready access. It enables full utilization of the available spectrum to support maximum number of users by intelligently choosing the best RF channel and transmit power for APs in their current RF environment.&AMAir Monitor. AM is a mode of operation supported on wireless APs. When an AP operates in the Air Monitor mode, it enhances the wireless networks by collecting statistics, monitoring traffic, detecting intrusions, enforcing security policies, balancing wireless traffic load, self-healing coverage gaps, and more. However, clients cannot connect to APs operating in the AM mode.


WIDSWireless Intrusion Detection System. WIDS is an application that detects the attacks on a wireless network or wireless system.

Yes (Limited)

CLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.Support for Users and Datapath


AP MultiZone Profile

