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Configuring ANQP Network Authentication Profiles

Use theANQPAccess Network Query Protocol. ANQP is a query and a response protocol for Wi-Fi hotspot services. ANQP includes information Elements (IEs) that can be sent from the AP to the client to identify the AP network and service provider. The IEs typically include information about the domain name of the AP operator, the IP addresses available at the AP, and information about potential roaming partners accessible through the AP. If the client responds with a request for a specific IE, the AP will send a Generic Advertisement Service (GAS) response frame with the configured ANQP IE information.Network Authentication profile to define the authentication type used by theHotspotHotspot refers to a WLAN node that provides Internet connection and virtual private network (VPN) access from a given location. A business traveler, for example, with a laptop equipped for Wi-Fi can look up a local hotspot, contact it, and get connected through its network to reach the

To send the values configured in this profile to clients, associate this profile with an advertisement profile, then associate the advertisement profile with aHotspotHotspot refers to a WLAN node that provides Internet connection and virtual private network (VPN) access from a given location. A business traveler, for example, with a laptop equipped for Wi-Fi can look up a local hotspot, contact it, and get connected through its network to reach the Internet.2.0 profile. For additional details, seeConfiguring Hotspot Advertisement Profiles

The following procedure describes how to configure anANQPAccess Network Query Protocol. ANQP is a query and a response protocol for Wi-Fi hotspot services. ANQP includes information Elements (IEs) that can be sent from the AP to the client to identify the AP network and service provider. The IEs typically include information about the domain name of the AP operator, the IP addresses available at the AP, and information about potential roaming partners accessible through the AP. If the client responds with a request for a specific IE, the AP will send a Generic Advertisement Service (GAS) response frame with the configured ANQP IE authentication profile:

1.In theMobility Masternode hierarchy, navigate toConfiguration > System > Profiles

2.In theAll Profiles表,扩大Wireless LAN

3.ExpandANQP Network Authentication。可用的列表ANQPAccess Network Query Protocol. ANQP is a query and a response protocol for Wi-Fi hotspot services. ANQP includes information Elements (IEs) that can be sent from the AP to the client to identify the AP network and service provider. The IEs typically include information about the domain name of the AP operator, the IP addresses available at the AP, and information about potential roaming partners accessible through the AP. If the client responds with a request for a specific IE, the AP will send a Generic Advertisement Service (GAS) response frame with the configured ANQP IE authentication profiles appears in theAll Profilestable.

4.Select an existingANQPAccess Network Query Protocol. ANQP is a query and a response protocol for Wi-Fi hotspot services. ANQP includes information Elements (IEs) that can be sent from the AP to the client to identify the AP network and service provider. The IEs typically include information about the domain name of the AP operator, the IP addresses available at the AP, and information about potential roaming partners accessible through the AP. If the client responds with a request for a specific IE, the AP will send a Generic Advertisement Service (GAS) response frame with the configured ANQP IE authentication profile from the list of profiles or create a new profile by clicking+

5.Configure the following parameters as desired, then clickSubmitto save your settings.

Table 1:ANQP Network Authentication Profile Parameters



Type of Network Authentication

Network Authentication Type being used by thehotspotHotspot refers to a WLAN node that provides Internet connection and virtual private network (VPN) access from a given location. A business traveler, for example, with a laptop equipped for Wi-Fi can look up a local hotspot, contact it, and get connected through its network to reach the

acceptance: Network requires the user to accept terms and conditions. This option requires you to specify a redirectionURLUniform Resource Locator. URL is a global address used for locating web resources on the Internet.string as an IP address,FQDNFully Qualified Domain Name. FQDN is a complete domain name that identifies a computer or host on the Internet.orURLUniform Resource Locator. URL is a global address used for locating web resources on the Internet.

dns-redirection: Additional information on the network is provided throughDNSDomain Name System. A DNS server functions as a phone book for the intranet and Internet users. It converts human-readable computer host names into IP addresses and IP addresses into host names. It stores several records for a domain name such as an address 'A' record, name server (NS), and mail exchanger (MX) records. The Address 'A' record is the most important record that is stored in a DNS server, because it provides the required IP address for a network peripheral or element.redirection. This option requires you to specify a redirectionURLUniform Resource Locator. URL is a global address used for locating web resources on the Internet.string as an IP address,FQDNFully Qualified Domain Name. FQDN is a complete domain name that identifies a computer or host on the Internet.orURLUniform Resource Locator. URL is a global address used for locating web resources on the Internet.

http-https-redirection: Additional information on the network is provided throughHTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol. The HTTP is an application protocol to transfer data over the web. The HTTP protocol defines how messages are formatted and transmitted, and the actions that the w servers and browsers should take in response to various commands.orHTTPSHypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. HTTPS is a variant of the HTTP that adds a layer of security on the data in transit through a secure socket layer or transport layer security protocol connection.redirection.

online-enroll: Network supports online enrollment.

Network Authentication URL

URLUniform Resource Locator. URL is a global address used for locating web resources on the Internet., IP address, orFQDNFully Qualified Domain Name. FQDN is a complete domain name that identifies a computer or host on the Internet.used by thehotspotHotspot refers to a WLAN node that provides Internet connection and virtual private network (VPN) access from a given location. A business traveler, for example, with a laptop equipped for Wi-Fi can look up a local hotspot, contact it, and get connected through its network to reach the for theacceptance,dns-redirection, oronline-enrollnetwork authentication types.

The followingCLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.commands configure anANQPAccess Network Query Protocol. ANQP is a query and a response protocol for Wi-Fi hotspot services. ANQP includes information Elements (IEs) that can be sent from the AP to the client to identify the AP network and service provider. The IEs typically include information about the domain name of the AP operator, the IP addresses available at the AP, and information about potential roaming partners accessible through the AP. If the client responds with a request for a specific IE, the AP will send a Generic Advertisement Service (GAS) response frame with the configured ANQP IE authentication profile :

wlan hotspot anqp-nwk-auth-profile


no ...

nwk-auth-type acceptance|dns-redirection|http-https-redirection|online-enroll

