阿鲁巴斯8.6.0.0Help Center
你在这里: > 控制平面安全 > 管理AP白人


Campus orRemote APs appear as valid APs in the校园美联社orRemote APwhitelists when you manually enter their information into the校园美联社orRemote APwhitelists using the WebUI orCLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.一个controller。另外,校园美联社S或Remote APS在controllersends a certificate to an AP as part of automatic certificate provisioning and the AP connects to thecontrollerover a secure tunnel. APs that are not approved or certified on the network are included in the校园美联社whitelists, but these APs appear in an unapproved state.

Use the AP whitelists to grant valid APs secure access to the network or to revoke access from suspected rogue APs. When you revoke or remove an AP from the校园美联社orRemote APwhitelists on acontrollerthat usesCPsec控制平面安全。CPsec is a secure form of communication between a controller and APs to protect the control plane communications. This is performed by means of using public-key self-signed certificates created by each master controller.,AP将无法与controlleragain, unless the AP obtains a new certificate.

这following sections discuss the procedures to manage AP whitelists:

一个dding an AP to the Campus or Remote AP Whitelists

You can add an AP to the校园美联社orRemote APwhitelists using the WebUI orCLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.。这following procedure describes the steps to add an AP to the校园美联社orRemote AP白名单:

1.In theManaged Network节点层次结构,导航到这Configuration > Access Points > Whitelisttab.



4.Define the following parameters for each AP you want to add to the AP whitelist:

Table 1:一个P Whitelist Parameters





苹果电脑Media Access Control. A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on a network.address of校园美联社校园AP用于私人网络中,其中APS通过私有链接(LAN,WLAN,WAN或MPLS)连接并直接终止在控制器上。校园AP被部署为企业办公楼,仓库,医院,大学等的室内校园解决方案的一部分。这支持与之往来的安全沟通controller

一个P name

Name of the校园美联社校园AP用于私人网络中,其中APS通过私有链接(LAN,WLAN,WAN或MPLS)连接并直接终止在控制器上。校园AP被部署为企业办公楼,仓库,医院,大学等的室内校园解决方案的一部分。。如果你不指定一个name, the AP uses its苹果电脑Media Access Control. A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on a network.address as AP name.

一个P group

Name of the AP group to which the校园美联社校园AP用于私人网络中,其中APS通过私有链接(LAN,WLAN,WAN或MPLS)连接并直接终止在控制器上。校园AP被部署为企业办公楼,仓库,医院,大学等的室内校园解决方案的一部分。被安排了。如果未指定AP组,则AP使用默认值作为其AP组。



远程AP白名单configuration parameters


苹果电脑Media Access Control. A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on a network.地址remote APRemote APs extend corporate network to the users working from home or at temporary work sites. Remote APs are deplyed at branch office sites and are connected to the central network on a WAN link., in colon-separated octets.

一个P name

Name of theRemote APRemote APs extend corporate network to the users working from home or at temporary work sites. Remote APs are deplyed at branch office sites and are connected to the central network on a WAN link.。如果你不指定一个name, the AP uses its苹果电脑Media Access Control. A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on a network.address as AP name.

一个P group

Name of the AP group to which theRemote APRemote APs extend corporate network to the users working from home or at temporary work sites. Remote APs are deplyed at branch office sites and are connected to the central network on a WAN link.被安排了。


简要说明Remote AP.


IPv4地址Remote APRemote APs extend corporate network to the users working from home or at temporary work sites. Remote APs are deplyed at branch office sites and are connected to the central network on a WAN link.

IPv6 address

IPv6地址Remote APRemote APs extend corporate network to the users working from home or at temporary work sites. Remote APs are deplyed at branch office sites and are connected to the central network on a WAN link.


6.ClickPending Changes

7.In thePending Changes窗口,选择复选框,然后单击Deploy changes

这followingCLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.command adds an AP to the校园美联社白名单:

(主机)[myNode](config)#whitelist-db cpsec添加mac-address <地址>




这followingCLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.command adds an AP to theRemote AP白名单:

(主机)[myNode](config)#whitelist-db rap add mac-address








这WebUI displays the table of entries in the selected AP whitelist. The table of entries page displays a list of AP whitelist entries.

Configuration > Access Points > Whitelisttab显示校园美联社whitelists by default. To view the list ofRemote AP白名单,单击远程AP白名单

Remote APwhitelist entries page displays only the information you can manually configure. The校园美联社whitelist entries page displays both user-defined settings and additional information that are updated when the status of a校园美联社变化。







Brief description for revoking the校园美联社校园AP用于私人网络中,其中APS通过私有链接(LAN,WLAN,WAN或MPLS)连接并直接终止在控制器上。校园AP被部署为企业办公楼,仓库,医院,大学等的室内校园解决方案的一部分。


一个pproval status of the校园美联社校园AP用于私人网络中,其中APS通过私有链接(LAN,WLAN,WAN或MPLS)连接并直接终止在控制器上。校园AP被部署为企业办公楼,仓库,医院,大学等的室内校园解决方案的一部分。


Time and date of the last AP status update.

To view information about the校园美联社andRemote APwhitelists using theCLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.,发出以下命令:

(主机)[myNode] #show flyelist-db cpsec

Control-Plane Security Whitelist-entry Details


MAC-ADDRESS AP-GROUP AP-NAME启用状态cert-type说明吊销文本上次更新

----------- -------- ------- ------ ----- --------- ----------- ----------- ------------

6c:f3:7f:cc:42:25 Enabled certified-factory-cert factory-cert Thu Jul 7 03:42:21 2016

9c:1c:12:c0:7c:a6 default san225 Enabled certified-factory-cert factory-cert Wed Aug 3 10:34:13 2016

24:de:c6:ca:94:ba Enabled certified-factory-cert factory-cert Fri Apr 22 06:28:46 2016

94:b4:0f:c0:cc:42 Enabled certified-factory-cert factory-cert Fri Aug 5 06:54:43 2016

18:64:72:cf:e6:9c Enabled certified-factory-cert factory-cert Tue Aug 9 07:35:41 2016

AC:A3:1E:C0:E6:82已启用认证的Factory-Cert Factory-Cert Wed,8月10日09:12:23 2016

AC:A3:1E:CD:36:84已启用认证的属性 - cert Factory-Cert星期五17 05:50:02 2016

ac:a3:1e:c0:e6:9a Enabled certified-factory-cert factory-cert Thu May 26 06:31:13 2016


(主机)[myNode] #show flyelist-db cpsec-status

My Mac-Address 00:1a:1e:00:1a:b8

My IP-Address


Switch-Role Master

Whitelist-sync is disabled

Entries in Whitelist database


得到正式认可的entries: 0

Unapproved entries: 2

Certified entries: 2


Revoked entries: 0

Marked for deletion entries: 0


(主机)[myNode] #show fhewhitelist-db rap

Entries in Whitelist database


Revoked entries: 0

Marked for deletion entries: 0

一个P Entries: 4


Use the following procedures to modify the AP group, AP name, certificate type, state, description, and revoked status of an AP in the校园美联社whitelist using the WebUI orCLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.

这following procedure describes the steps to modify an AP in the校园美联社白名单:

1.In theManaged Network节点层次结构,导航到Configuration >一个ccess Points > Whitelisttab.




一个P name:名称校园美联社。如果您没有指定名称,则AP使用其使用苹果电脑Media Access Control. A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on a network.address as a name.

一个P group:AP组的名称校园美联社被安排了。



撤销的字符串:Enter a value for this string.

5.Click提交to update the校园美联社whitelist entry with its new settings.

6.ClickPending Changes

7.In thePending Changes窗口,选择复选框,然后单击Deploy changes

这followingCLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.命令在校园美联社白名单:

(主机)#Whitelist-DB CPSEC修改MAC-ADDRESS



cert-type {switch-cert|factory-cert}


mode {disable|enable}




You can revoke an invalid or rogue AP either by modifying its revoke status (as described in在校园AP白名单中修改AP)或直接从校园美联社whitelist without modifying any other parameter. When revoking an invalid or rogue AP, enter a brief description why the AP is being revoked. When you revoke an AP from the校园美联社白名单,校园美联社白名单保留了AP的信息。要撤销无效或流氓AP并将其永久从白名单中删除,请删除该条目。

您可以从校园美联社whitelist using the WebUI orCLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.


1.In theManaged Network节点层次结构,导航到Configuration >一个ccess Points > Whitelisttab.


3.单击您要撤销的AP旁边的复选框,然后单击Revoke。这Revokewindow is displayed.

4.Enter a brief description of why the AP is being revoked in the撤销文字field.


6.ClickPending Changes

7.In thePending Changes窗口,选择复选框,然后单击Deploy changes

这followingCLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.command revokes an AP via the校园美联社白名单:

(host) [mynode] (config) #whitelist-db cpsec revoke mac-address revoke-text

Deleting an AP from the Campus AP Whitelist

Before deleting an AP from the校园美联社白名单,确认汽车provisioni证书ng is either enabled or disabled only for IP addresses that do not include the AP being deleted. If you enable automatic certificate provisioning for an AP that is still connected to the network, you cannot delete it from the校园美联社whitelist; thecontroller立即重新认证AP并重新创建其白名单入口。

您可以从校园美联社whitelist using the WebUI orCLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.。这following procedure describes the steps to delete an AP from the校园美联社白名单:

1.In theManaged Network节点层次结构,导航到Configuration >一个ccess Points > Whitelisttab.




5.ClickPending Changes

6.In thePending Changes窗口,选择复选框,然后单击Deploy changes

这following animation displays how to delete an AP from the校园美联社whitelist in the WebUI:

这followingCLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.command deletes an AP from the校园美联社白名单:

(主机)[myNode](config)#whitelist-db cpsec del mac-address <名称>

Purging a Campus AP Whitelist

Before adding a new托管设备使用网络使用CPsec控制平面安全。CPsec is a secure form of communication between a controller and APs to protect the control plane communications. This is performed by means of using public-key self-signed certificates created by each master controller.,清除校园美联社校园AP用于私人网络中,其中APS通过私有链接(LAN,WLAN,WAN或MPLS)连接并直接终止在控制器上。校园AP被部署为企业办公楼,仓库,医院,大学等的室内校园解决方案的一部分。whitelist on the new托管设备。To purge a校园美联社白名单,issue the following command:

(host) [mynode] (config) #whitelist-db cpsec purge

Offloading aControllerWhitelist to ClearPass Policy Manager

此功能允许外部维护AP白名单Clearpass政策经理服务器。这controller,如果配置为使用外部服务器,可以发送RADIUSRemote Authentication Dial-In User Service. An Industry-standard network access protocol for remote authentication. It allows authentication, authorization, and accounting of remote users who want to access network resources.访问请求Clearpass政策经理服务器。这苹果电脑Media Access Control. A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on a network.AP的地址用作用户名和密码来构建访问请求数据包。这Clearpass政策经理server validates theRADIUSRemote Authentication Dial-In User Service. An Industry-standard network access protocol for remote authentication. It allows authentication, authorization, and accounting of remote users who want to access network resources.message and returns the relevant parameters for the authorized APs.

以下支持的参数与以下供应商特定属性(VSA)相关联。这Clearpass政策经理server sends them in theRADIUSRemote Authentication Dial-In User Service. An Industry-standard network access protocol for remote authentication. It allows authentication, authorization, and accounting of remote users who want to access network resources.访问接受授权APS的数据包:




这following defaults are used when any of the supported parameters are not provided by theClearpass政策经理server in theRADIUSRemote Authentication Dial-In User Service. An Industry-standard network access protocol for remote authentication. It allows authentication, authorization, and accounting of remote users who want to access network resources.访问接受答复:

ap-group: The default ap-group is assigned to the AP.

ap-name:苹果电脑Media Access Control. A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on a network.地址一个P is used as the AP name.

这re is no change in theRemote AProle assignment. TheRemote AP分配了在VPNVirtual Private Network. VPN enables secure access to a corporate network when located remotely. It enables a computer to send and receive data across shared or public networks as if it were directly connected to the private network, while benefiting from the functionality, security, and management policies of the private network. This is done by establishing a virtual point-to-point connection through the use of dedicated connections, encryption, or a combination of the two.default-rapprofile.

阿鲁巴斯now provides support forClearpass政策经理to whitelistRemote APs in a cluster environment. You can configureClearpass政策经理as an external server that authenticatesRemote APs using the苹果电脑Media Access Control. A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on a network.address ofRemote APs. TheRemote APs are authenticated by maintaining whitelist entries inClearpass政策经理, and the cluster inner IP addresses are assigned on theMobility Master。Hence, the inner IP address assignment is centralized and forwarded to the associated托管设备s在集群中。

这following procedure describes the steps to assign aClearpass政策经理Clearpass政策经理is a baseline platform for policy management, AAA, profiling, network access control, and reporting. With ClearPass Policy Manager, the network administrators can configure and manage secure network access that accommodates requirements across multiple locations and multivendor networks, regardless of device ownership and connection method.server to aRemote AP

1.配置aClearpass政策经理Clearpass政策经理is a baseline platform for policy management, AAA, profiling, network access control, and reporting. With ClearPass Policy Manager, the network administrators can configure and manage secure network access that accommodates requirements across multiple locations and multivendor networks, regardless of device ownership and connection method.服务器使用WebUI:

a.In theMobility Master节点层次结构,导航到这Configuration > Authentication > Auth Serverstab.

b。Click+in the服务器组s桌子。

C。In the添加服务器组window, enter the server group name in theNamefield.


e。Select the server group created.

F。Click+in the服务器组>桌子。

G。分配一个n existing server as theClearpass政策经理Clearpass政策经理is a baseline platform for policy management, AAA, profiling, network access control, and reporting. With ClearPass Policy Manager, the network administrators can configure and manage secure network access that accommodates requirements across multiple locations and multivendor networks, regardless of device ownership and connection method.server,

Select一个dd existing serveroption.

Choose a server from the list.


H。创建一个新的Clearpass政策经理Clearpass政策经理is a baseline platform for policy management, AAA, profiling, network access control, and reporting. With ClearPass Policy Manager, the network administrators can configure and manage secure network access that accommodates requirements across multiple locations and multivendor networks, regardless of device ownership and connection method.server,

Select一个dd new serveroption.



IP地址 /主机名



选择在一个ll Servers桌子。

UnderServer Options,在共享密钥字段并重新输入该值Retype keyfield.


一世。ClickPending Changes

j。In thePending Changeswindow, select the checkbox and clickDeploy Changes

2.In theMobility Master节点层次结构,导航到这Configuration>System>个人资料tab.

3.In the一个ll profiles列表,选择Wireless LAN > VPN Authentication>default-rap>服务器组。

4.Select theClearpass政策经理Clearpass政策经理is a baseline platform for policy management, AAA, profiling, network access control, and reporting. With ClearPass Policy Manager, the network administrators can configure and manage secure network access that accommodates requirements across multiple locations and multivendor networks, regardless of device ownership and connection method.server from the服务器组下拉列表。


6.ClickPending Changes

7.In thePending Changes窗口,选择复选框,然后单击Deploy changes

分配一个Clearpass政策经理Clearpass政策经理is a baseline platform for policy management, AAA, profiling, network access control, and reporting. With ClearPass Policy Manager, the network administrators can configure and manage secure network access that accommodates requirements across multiple locations and multivendor networks, regardless of device ownership and connection method.server to aRemote APthat was initially an Instant AP:

1.确保Clearpass政策经理Clearpass政策经理is a baseline platform for policy management, AAA, profiling, network access control, and reporting. With ClearPass Policy Manager, the network administrators can configure and manage secure network access that accommodates requirements across multiple locations and multivendor networks, regardless of device ownership and connection method.服务器在controller

2.In theMobility Master节点层次结构,导航到这Configuration>System>个人资料tab.

3.In the一个ll profiles列表,选择Wireless LAN > VPN Authentication>默认IAP>服务器组。

4.Select theClearpass政策经理Clearpass政策经理is a baseline platform for policy management, AAA, profiling, network access control, and reporting. With ClearPass Policy Manager, the network administrators can configure and manage secure network access that accommodates requirements across multiple locations and multivendor networks, regardless of device ownership and connection method.server from the服务器组下拉列表。


6.ClickPending Changes

7.In thePending Changes窗口,选择复选框,然后单击Deploy changes

以下命令添加了Clearpass政策经理server to aRemote AP

配置aRADIUSRemote Authentication Dial-In User Service. An Industry-standard network access protocol for remote authentication. It allows authentication, authorization, and accounting of remote users who want to access network resources.服务器Clearpass政策经理Clearpass政策经理is a baseline platform for policy management, AAA, profiling, network access control, and reporting. With ClearPass Policy Manager, the network administrators can configure and manage secure network access that accommodates requirements across multiple locations and multivendor networks, regardless of device ownership and connection method.server as host address. In this exampleCPPM-RADis theClearpass政策经理Clearpass政策经理is a baseline platform for policy management, AAA, profiling, network access control, and reporting. With ClearPass Policy Manager, the network administrators can configure and manage secure network access that accommodates requirements across multiple locations and multivendor networks, regardless of device ownership and connection method.server name andCPPM-SGis the server group name.

(host) [md] (config) #aaa authentication-server radius cppm-rad

(host) [md] (RADIUS Server "test") # host

Run the following commands to add this server to a server group:


(主机)(服务器组“ CPPM-SG”)#auth-server CPPM-RAD

Run the following commands to add this server group to thedefault-rapVPN配置文件:

(host) [md] (config) #aaa authentication vpn default-rap

(host)(VPN Authentication Profile "default-rap") #server-group cppm-sg

Run the following command to configure theRemote AP内部IP池Mobility Masterfor cluster deployment :

(host) [mynode] (config) #lc-rap-pool rap-cluster


lc-rap-pool在一个命令目前只支持IPv4地址cluster environment.

在集群环境中托管设备does not use the IP address received fromClearpass政策经理并试图从Remote AP内部IP池用于群集部署(lc-rap-pool) configured on theMobility Master。If the托管设备无法获得内部IP地址,Remote AP不建立IKEInternet Key Exchange. IKE is a key management protocol used with IPsec protocol to establish a secure communication channel. IKE provides additional feature, flexibility, and ease of configuration for IPsec standard./IPsecInternet Protocol security. IPsec is a protocol suite for secure IP communications that authenticates and encrypts each IP packet in a communication session.带有隧道托管设备。白名单条目将在成功的身份验证和IP分配后自动生成Remote APinner IP pool.

When theRemote APgoes down on all cluster members, both the托管设备andMobility Master删除Remote APwhitelist entries that are generated automatically.
