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Configuring Networks with a BackupMobility Master

This section describes the configuration with a backupMobility Master.

If your network includes a redundant backupMobility Master,you must synchronize the database from the primaryMobility Masterto the backupMobility Masterat least once毕竟APs的交流controllersover a secure channel. This ensures that all certificates,IPsecInternet Protocol security. IPsec is a protocol suite for secure IP communications that authenticates and encrypts each IP packet in a communication session.keys, andcampus APCampus APs are used in private networks where APs connect over private links (LAN, WLAN, WAN or MPLS) and terminate directly on controllers. Campus APs are deployed as part of the indoor campus solution in enterprise office buildings, warehouses, hospitals, universities, and so on.whitelist entries are synchronized to the backupcontroller. You should also synchronize the database any time thecampus APCampus APs are used in private networks where APs connect over private links (LAN, WLAN, WAN or MPLS) and terminate directly on controllers. Campus APs are deployed as part of the indoor campus solution in enterprise office buildings, warehouses, hospitals, universities, and so on.whitelist changes (APs are added or removed to ensure that the backupcontrollerhas the latest settings).

Mobility Masterand backupMobility Masters can be synchronized using either of the following methods:

Manual Synchronization: Issue thedatabase synchronizecommand to manually synchronize databases from your primaryMobility Masterto the backupMobility Master.

Automatic Synchronization: Schedule automatic database backups using thedatabase synchronize periodcommand in configuration mode.

If you add a new backupMobility Masterto an existingMobility Master, you must add the backupMobility Masteras thelower prioritycontroller. If you do not add the backupMobility Masteras a lower prioritycontroller, yourCPsecControl Plane Security. CPsec is a secure form of communication between a controller and APs to protect the control plane communications. This is performed by means of using public-key self-signed certificates created by each master keys and certificates may be lost. If you want the new backupMobility Masterto become your primarycontroller, increase the priority of thatcontrollerto a primarycontrollerafteryou have synchronized your data.
