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Managed devices总是可以从集中管理地点提供服务。当一个managed deviceboots up for the first time under the factory default state, it auto-provisions and establishes connectivity toMobility MasterthroughZTPZero Touch Provisioning. ZTP is a device provisioning mechanism that allows automatic and quick provisioning of devices with a minimal or at times no manual intervention..Managed devicescan also be provisioned manually through the setup dialog box.Managed devicescan encounter connectivity loss due to bad configurations, network connectivity issues, and so on. The system attempts to recover from these situations when possible.

This section includes the following topics:

Bad Configuration Recovery

Certain configurations, such as those in the following list, can interfere with the connectivity betweenmanaged devicesandMobility Master:

Uplink port shut

部分配置d uplinkVLANVirtual Local Area Network. In computer networking, a single Layer 2 network may be partitioned to create multiple distinct broadcast domains, which are mutually isolated so that packets can only pass between them through one or more routers; such a domain is referred to as a Virtual Local Area Network, Virtual LAN, or VLAN.

Limiting bandwidth contract policy

BadACLAccess Control List. ACL is a common way of restricting certain types of traffic on a physical port.

Bad configurations can be caused by simple typo errors. Even if the user discovers the error, the bad configuration may have already caused connectivity loss, preventing the user from pushing the correct configuration to themanaged device.

Mobility Mastersupports an auto-rollback mechanism that reverts themanaged deviceto the last known good configuration prior to the management connectivity loss.Mobility Masteralso indicates if a device has recovered from a bad configuration through theshow switchescommand output. The output for this command labels theConfiguration Statefor themanaged deviceasCONFIG ROLLBACKif the device has recovered connectivity using the rollback configuration. When the user fixes the bad configuration onMobility Master,managed device自动恢复,状态更改以更新成功。

Example output for theshow switchescommand:

(host) [mynode] #show switches

Thu Jun 09 12:13:45.735 2016

All Switches


IP Address IPv6 Address Name Location Type Model Version Status Configuration State Config Sync Time (sec) Config ID

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ None TECHPUB_MASTER Building1.floor1 master ArubaMM up UPDATE SUCCESSFUL 0 27 None TECHPUB_STANDBY Building1.floor1 standby ArubaMM up UPDATE SUCCESSFUL 10 27 None TECHPUB_LC1_189.1 Building1.floor1 MD Aruba7010 up UPDATE SUCCESSFUL 0 27 None TECHPUB_x86_LC Building1.floor1 MD VMC-TACTICAL up UPDATE SUCCESSFUL 0 27 None TECHPUB_LC2_189.2 Building1.floor1 MD Aruba7005 up UPDATE SUCCESSFUL 0 27

Total Switches:5

Disaster Recovery

If auto-rollback from a bad configuration fails, and connectivity between themanaged deviceandMobility Masterremains disrupted, users can enableDisaster Recoverymode on themanaged deviceusing thedisaster-recovery oncommand. Under the regular mode, the/mmnode downloads configurations fromMobility Masterthat cannot be modified directly on eachmanaged device.Disaster Recoverymode grants users access to the/mmnode through themanaged deviceswhile blocking any further configuration synchronizations fromMobility Master. With full control of the/mmnode, users can make local modifications on eachmanaged deviceto restore connectivity toMobility Master.

Local configurations are only used for debugging purposes and are not visible on theMobility Master.

After connectivity is restored and verified, the user must fix the configuration onMobility Masterand exit theDisaster Recoverymode. When the user exitsDisaster Recoverymode from themanaged device, a full configuration sync is triggered between themanaged devicesandMobility Master, which now contains the latest effective configurations.

The followingCLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.command enablesDisaster Recoverymode:

(host-md) #disaster-recovery on


Entering disaster recovery mode


(DR-Mode) [mm] #

The followingCLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.command disablesDisaster Recoverymode:


Initial Provisioning Recovery

If themanaged devicesfail to connect toMobility Masteron multiple attempts during the initial provisioning process (for example, when theMobility MasterIP orFQDNFully Qualified Domain Name. FQDN is a complete domain name that identifies a computer or host on the Internet.被错误地输入ArubaActivate), themanaged devicedeletes all provisioning information and restarts the auto-provisioning process. The user is expected to correct the provisioning information underAruba启用。纠正了配置信息后,managed deviceautomatically recovers during the next auto-provisioning attempt.
