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Upgrading Cluster

The Live Upgrades feature allows you to upgrade themanaged devicesand APs in a cluster to the latestArubaOSversion.Managed devicesin a cluster can be seamlessly upgraded by specifying the new image file and a target partition. This is a real-time network upgrade wheremanaged devicesand APs upgrade automatically without any planned maintenance downtime.

You can also schedule an upgrade to a specified time to avoid manual intervention. The cluster is upgraded automatically at the scheduled time. You can view, delete, or reschedule the scheduled cluster upgrade.

When a cluster is upgraded, the following actions take place:

1.The cluster upgrade manager sends information of the APs to AirMatch.

2.The AirMatch creates logical groups of APs and updates the cluster upgrade manager with this information.

3.A targetmanaged deviceis assigned to all APs in each partition.

4.Themanaged devicesdownload the new firmware. The following events happen after the firmware download:

a.One of the targetmanaged devicesis rebooted.

b.All APs on themanaged devicethat is rebooted move to their standbymanaged device.

c.APs for which the targetmanaged deviceis rebooted are preloaded.

5.The AP image is preloaded on the APs.

6.All APs in one partition are upgraded first.

7.The upgraded APs are then moved to themanaged device.

8.Subsequently, all APs belonging to different partitions are preloaded, rebooted, and moved to the upgradedmanaged device.

9.The second targetmanaged deviceis also reloaded.

10.Steps 4a to 9 are repeated till all themanaged devicesin the cluster are upgraded.

Following section describes how to configure Live upgrade and the limitations of live upgrade:

Configuring Live Upgrade

The following procedure describes how to upgrade the cluster:

1.Log in to aMobility Master.

2.In theManaged Networknode hierarchy, navigate toMaintenance > Software Management..

3.Select one or multiple clusters from the table. The table only lists the clusters and not the cluster members.

The table displays the Name of the cluster, the number ofmanaged devices, the number of APs in the cluster, and the version of software running on themanaged devicesof the cluster.

4.In theINSTALLATION SETTINGS > Whenmenu, selectNow.

5.In theImage Filesection, specify the image file location, name, and the protocol to use. Enter values for the following parameters:

Server IP address—IP address of the server

Image path—Path of image file

Software to Install—Version to upgrade to

Protocol—Protocol to use to transfer file. Valid values are:FTPFile Transfer Protocol. A standard network protocol used for transferring files between a client and server on a computer network.,TFTPTrivial File Transfer Protocol. The TFTP is a software utility for transferring files from or to a remote host., andSCPSecure Copy Protocol. SCP is a network protocol that supports file transfers between hosts on a network.. Default value isFTPFile Transfer Protocol. A standard network protocol used for transferring files between a client and server on a computer network..

Username—Username of the account on the image server.

Password—Password of the account on the server.


7.In theTarget Partitionsection, specify themanaged devicepartition where you want to install the firmware and where you want it to boot from. Select any one of the following partitions:

Partition 0

Partition 1


8.ClickInstallto start the cluster upgrade process.

9.To check the status of the upgrade, in theManaged Networknode hierarchy, navigate toConfiguration > Services > Cluster.

10.Theupgrade status for cluster namesection is displayed with the status of the upgrade. The status of the upgrade can be any of the following values:

Upgrade pending

AP partitioning in progress

Upgrade in progress

Upgrade failed

Upgrade completed

11.The status of eachmanaged deviceis displayed. Similarly, the status for each AP in the cluster is also displayed.

12.You can also upgrade a cluster using the shortcut icon by navigating toConfiguration > Services > Clusterand selecting the cluster you want to upgrade.

Execute the following command to trigger the cluster upgrade in theMobility Master:

(host) [mm] [cluster1] #lc-cluster initiate upgrade version partition

cluster_name: The configured cluster profile name; corresponds to themanaged devicesand APs associated to the cluster that needs to be upgraded.

img_version: The target image version, such as 8.2.1_XXXXX.

partition_id: The partition on themanaged deviceto which the new image is to be copied, valid values are 0 or 1 and this is optional. If the partition is not specified, it automatically picks the alternate boot partition.

The fileserver is configured in upgrade profile. Ensure that theupgrade profileis configured before upgrading the cluster using theCLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions..

To check the status of the upgrade, for Cluster1, execute the following show commands:

(host)#show lc-cluster cluster1 controller details

(host)#show lc-cluster cluster1 ap details

(host)#show lc-cluster cluster1 upgrade status

(host)#show lc-cluster cluster1 upgrade status verbose

(host)#show lc-cluster cluster1 upgrade stats


This feature has the following limitations:

As there is an image preload limitation, cluster upgrade cannot be done with two different versions without reloading the managed devices. Only one preload per managed device reboot is allowed currently.

美联社预加载的状态不显示在the WebUI during the cluster upgrade.

Cluster upgrade cannot be triggered if a previous upgrade resulted in split subclusters.

Cluster Rolling Upgrade is not supported on mesh nodes. Therefore, a cluster upgrade cannot be performed for mesh deployments.

不建议使用升级生活在多Zone deployments. Each zone can use live upgrade but the upgrade on datazone is not hitless.
