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Cluster Load Balancing


Client Load Balancing

客户端负载均衡功能确保clients are evenly distributed across the cluster members, thereby using the system resources efficiently.

如果系统检测到负载的变形分布,则可以平衡负载托管设备sby changing the UAC of these clients. The load across all the托管设备sis balanced in the cluster regardless of the type of platform.

这cluster manager calculates the ratio of the existing number of clients on a托管设备and its maximum capacity. Based on this ratio and additional threshold triggers, client load balancing is triggered.

When any new托管设备, 包括托管设备在故障转移之后出现的是,将其添加到现有群集中,考虑到负载平衡,因此,APS和客户端被移动以平衡集群中的负载。

Load balancing is enabled by default when a cluster is configured.

Threshold triggers

Active client rebalance threshold:群集成员上的实际活动负载。阈值设定为20%,即平台容量的20%。

Standby client rebalance threshold:群集成员的待机负载。阈值设置为40%。

不平衡阈值:这difference between the loads on maximum loaded cluster node and the minimum loaded cluster node. The threshold is set at 5%, that is, there must be at least a 5% disparity in load between the托管设备s

AP Total Load Balance threshold:总负载余额阈值设置为40%。这是默认值,无法配置。


When the redundancy mode is enabled, the capacity of the cluster is reduced to half.

AP Load Balancing

这AP load balancing feature ensures that the cluster leader manages the load balancing based on the platform capacity. The AP is dynamically assigned an AAC when it connects to a cluster. Here, instead of client load, AP load is considered.


Following is the AP load balancing criteria if a托管设备新添加:

When an AP threshold is already met in the cluster nodes, if a new托管设备is added, the Active AP table of the new托管设备首先根据AP计数集填充。


这count of these APs will increment based on the AP count set only after the stabilization of the cluster, however, the APs that were moved during this phase cannot be always based on AP Count.

从...开始ArubaOS8.3.0.0, the Active AP load balancing feature is enabled by default. In previous releases, this feature is disabled by default.

这active AP load balancing is performed usingVRRPVirtual Router Redundancy Protocol. VRRP is an election protocol that dynamically assigns responsibility for a virtual router to one of the VRRP routers on a LAN.对于L2连接和L3连接的一个群集成员的开关IP。这AP Total Load Balance thresholdis set to 40% andactive AP load balancing threshold valueis set to 20%. This is the default value.

LMS本地管理开关。在多控制器网络中,每个控制器充当LMS,并终止从APS,处理的用户流量,并将流量转发到有线网络。IP is ignored when the AP establishes communication with the cluster. However, in case of a failover, the backup-LMS本地管理开关。在多控制器网络中,每个控制器充当LMS,并终止从APS,处理的用户流量,并将流量转发到有线网络。使用IP。

Prior toArubaOS8.3.0.0,群集领导者考虑了每个群集成员上的AP负载,并分配了群集成员,最少总AP负载为AAC。


For periodic load balancing, the cluster leader performs load balancing based on the following conditions:

1。Finds the managed devices with maximum and minimum active load percentage.

2。Finds the managed devices with maximum and minimum total load percentage




After APs are listed on a cluster member, the cluster manager periodically recalculates the load of the cluster members to balance the load. For example, when a new托管设备joins the cluster.

这triggers for client load balancing and AP load balancing are same.

Listed below are the advantages of AP load balancing


Eliminates manual distribution through theLMS本地管理开关。在多控制器网络中,每个控制器充当LMS,并终止从APS,处理的用户流量,并将流量转发到有线网络。-ip。

Configuring Cluster Load Balancing

这following procedure describes how to configure load balancing for a cluster:

1。In theManaged Network节点层次结构,导航到Configuration > Services > Clusterstab.

2。In the集群表,选择一个集群以配置AP负载平衡。

3。In theCluster Profile > window, expandAdvanced

4。配置Active AP负载平衡设置表格1


6。点击Pending Changes

7.In thePending Changeswindow, select the check box and click部署更改。

表格1:Active AP Load Balancing Parameters





Active client rebalance threshold

Indicates the minimum total load percentage required to perform AP load balancing in the cluster. At least one of the托管设备smust have this value as the total load percentage to trigger AP load balancing.

Standby client rebalance threshold


Unbalance threshold

如果一个托管设备reaches the total load threshold, AP load balancing is triggered. This happens when the difference between the loads on the maximum loaded托管设备and the minimum loaded托管设备in the cluster exceeds the unbalance threshold value.

Heartbeat threshold

Minimum heartbeat threshold is set in milliseconds. The default setting is based on the latency determined between each pair of托管设备s和集群。这也取决于之间的连接类型托管设备和配电开关(单一的以太网电缆,或port channel, and so on).


1。In theManaged Network节点层次结构,导航到Configuration > Systemtab.

2。点击个人资料。ExpandClusterand clickClassic Controller Cluster

3。点击+ to create a cluster profile.

4。Add theAP load balancingvalues andClient Load Balancing值。


6。点击Pending Changes

7.In thePending Changeswindow, select the check box and click部署更改。


Following is an example of Active AP load balancing:

(7210-24) #show lc-cluster load distribution ap

Cluster Load Distribution for APs


Type IPv4 Address Active APs Standby APs

---- --------------- -------------- ---------------

PEER 25 20

自我192.168.28.24 20 25

Total: Active APs 45 Standby APs 45

(主机)#Show LC-Cluster Group Membership

启用群集,配置文件名=“ ap-lb”

冗余Mode On

Active Client Rebalance Threshold = 20%

待机客户重新平衡阈值= 40%

不平衡阈值= 5%

AP Load Balancing: Enabled

Active AP Rebalance Threshold = 20%

主动AP不平衡阈值= 5%

Active AP Rebalance AP Count = 50

Active AP Rebalance Timer = 1 minutes

Cluster Info Table



---- --------------- -------- --------------- ------

PEER 128 L2连接连接(领导者,最后HBT_RSP 10ms,RTD = 0.000 ms)

自我192.168.28.24 128 n/a连接(成员)

To check if Active AP load balancing is enabled or disabled:

Example for IPv4:

(主机)#Show LC-Cluster Group Membership

启用群集,配置文件名=“ testlb”

冗余Mode On

Active Client Rebalance Threshold = 20%

待机客户重新平衡阈值= 40%

不平衡阈值= 5%

AP Load Balancing: Enabled

Active AP Rebalance Threshold = 20%

主动AP不平衡阈值= 5%

Active AP Rebalance AP Count = 50

主动AP重新平衡计时器= 5分钟

Cluster Info Table



---- --------------- -------- --------------- ------

自我192.168.10.38 128 N/A连接(领导)

peer 128 L2-Connected CONNECTED (Member, last HBT_RSP 38ms ago, RTD= 0.000 ms)

Example for IPv6:

(主机)#Show LC-Cluster Group Membership

Cluster Enabled, Profile Name = "72xx"

冗余Mode On

Active Client Rebalance Threshold = 20%

待机客户重新平衡阈值= 40%

不平衡阈值= 5%

AP Load Balancing: Enabled

Active AP Rebalance Threshold = 20%

Active AP Unbalance Threshold = 40%

Active AP Rebalance AP Count = 50

Active AP Rebalance Timer = 1 minutes

Cluster Info Table


Type IPv6 Address Priority Connection-Type STATUS

---- ------------------- --------- --------------- -------------------------

Peer 2000:192:168:28 :: 24 128 l2连接连接(成员,最后HBT_RSP 68ms,RTD = 0.000 ms)

peer 2000:192:168:28::26 128 L2-Connected CONNECTED (Member,last HBT_RSP 66ms ago, RTD = 0.000 ms)

peer 2000:192:168:28::22 128 L2-Connected CONNECTED (Member,last HBT_RSP 69ms ago, RTD = 0.503 ms)

self 2000:192:168:28::23 128 N/A CONNECTED (Leader)

To display the number of times a托管设备A-AAC分配的AP渠道上发布的APS:

(主机)#show ap debug gsm-counters

STM GSM Counters



---- -----


AP Delete Events 29

AP Publish Events(Load Balance)2

AP Delete Events(Load Balance)2

无线电发布,激活,激活错误28 11 0

Radio Delete Events 3

Radio Delete Errors 15

BSS Publish Events 41

Responses to BSS Rcvd 41

BSS Delete Events 18


BSS Delete Key Not Found (included above) 30

STA Publish Events 0

STA Delete Events 0

STA Activate on S-UAC, Errors 0 0

sta激活删除,错误0 0

WIRED_AP Publish Events 0

To display the number of times the AP tried to connect to the cluster leader and needed the cluster leader to assign an A-AAC for this AP:

(主机)#show lc-cluster GSM计数器|排除0



AP Channel: Adds >> 1

AP频道:删除>> 1

BSS频道:添加>> 2

BSS频道:部分更新>> 2

AP Channel: Adds and Need AAC Assignment>>1

