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Replacing aController

The procedure below describes the steps to replace an existing stand-alonecontrollerand/or a redundantcontroller. Best practice is to replace the backupcontrollerfirst, and replace the activecontrolleronly after the new backupcontrolleris operational on the network. When you remove the activecontrollerfrom the network to replace it, the new backupcontrollertakes over the activecontrollerrole. When you add a secondcontrollerto the network, the secondcontrollerautomatically assumes the role of a backupcontroller.

For information on theMobility Controller Virtual Appliance, refer to theArubaVirtual Appliance Installation Guide.

Replacing an Returned Merchandise Authorization (RMA) Device

If thecontrollerbeing replaced was returned toArubaas anRMAReturn Merchandise Authorization. RMA is a part of the product returning process that authorizes users to return a product to the manufacturer or distributor for a refund, replacement, or repair. The customers who want to return a product within its Warranty period contact the manufacturer to initiate the product returning process. The manufacturer or the seller generates an authorization number for the RMA, which is used by the customers, when returning a product to the warehouse.device, the license keys on theRMAReturn Merchandise Authorization. RMA is a part of the product returning process that authorizes users to return a product to the manufacturer or distributor for a refund, replacement, or repair. The customers who want to return a product within its Warranty period contact the manufacturer to initiate the product returning process. The manufacturer or the seller generates an authorization number for the RMA, which is used by the customers, when returning a product to the warehouse.controllercannot be directly transferred to a new device, and must be regenerated.

To generate a new license key for acontrollerthat is returned as anRMAReturn Merchandise Authorization. RMA is a part of the product returning process that authorizes users to return a product to the manufacturer or distributor for a refund, replacement, or repair. The customers who want to return a product within its Warranty period contact the manufacturer to initiate the product returning process. The manufacturer or the seller generates an authorization number for the RMA, which is used by the customers, when returning a product to the warehouse.:

1.Access the My Networking Portal at

2.Log in to the My Networking Portal using the HPE Passport.

3.ClickView licensesorTransfer licenses to new platform. All available licenses are displayed.

4.Select the>>icon at the right end of the record to verify the license details before transferring it.

5.ClickTransfer Licenseat the bottom of the page.

6.Select acontrollerfrom theAOS Controller Typedrop-down list.

7.Enter the serial number of the mobilitycontrollerin theSerial numbertext box; or enter the passphrase of theMobility Masterin thePassPhrasetext box.

8.Select the license to be transferred.

9.ClickTransferat the bottom of the page. A new license key is generated, which you can apply to thecontroller.

Procedure Overview

The procedure to replace a backup or activecontrollerconsists of the following tasks:

If yourcontrollerdoes not have any manually added licenses, skip steps 3, 4, and 6 of the following procedure.

Step 1: (Optional) Change the VRRP Priorities for a Redundant Master Pair

If your deployment usesVRRPVirtual Router Redundancy Protocol. VRRP is an election protocol that dynamically assigns responsibility for a virtual router to one of the VRRP routers on a define the primaryMobility Masterin a pair of redundantMobility Masters and you are replacing only the primaryMobility Master, you must change theVRRPVirtual Router Redundancy Protocol. VRRP is an election protocol that dynamically assigns responsibility for a virtual router to one of the VRRP routers on a LAN.priority levels of thecontrollersso that the primaryMobility Masterhas a lower priority than the backupMobility Master. This will allow the configuration from the backupMobility Masterto be copied to the newMobility Master, and prevent an old or inaccurate configuration from being pushed to themanaged devices.

For details on changingVRRPVirtual Router Redundancy Protocol. VRRP is an election protocol that dynamically assigns responsibility for a virtual router to one of the VRRP routers on a LAN.priorities, seeConfiguring a Primary and Backup Master for Failover Redundancy.

Step 2: Back Up the Flash File System

To start the migration process, access the backupcontrolleror theMobility Masterbeing replaced and create a backup of the flash file system. You can create a backup file using the WebUI or command-line interfaces.

To create a flash backup from the command-line interface, access the activecontrollerand issue thebackup flashcommand.

支持flash from the WebUI, log in to the current backupcontrolleror activecontrollerand create a flash backup using the procedure below.

1.In theMobility Masternode hierarchy, select the device and navigate to theMaintenance > Configuration Management >Backuptab.

2.For theSelect what to backupoption, selectFlash.

3.ClickCreate Backup. A confirmation message (Backup saved successfully) is displayed.

4.ClickCopy Backupto create a copy of the backup file. By default, the flash backup file is namedflashbackup.tar.gz.

5.In theSelect source filedrop-down list, selectFlash file system.

6.In theFile namedrop-down list, select the relevant file name.

7.In theSelect destination filedrop-down list, select one of the server options to move the flash backup off thecontroller.

8.In theFile nametext box, enter the name of the Flash backup file to be exported.

9.ClickCopy. A confirmation message (Files copied successfully) is displayed.

Step 3: Stage the NewController

The next step in the procedure is to stage the new backupcontrolleror activecontrollerwith basic IP connectivity. Power up the newcontroller, connect a laptop computer to thecontroller’s serial port, and follow the prompts to configure basic settings, such as thecontrollername, role,VLANVirtual Local Area Network. In computer networking, a single Layer 2 network may be partitioned to create multiple distinct broadcast domains, which are mutually isolated so that packets can only pass between them through one or more routers; such a domain is referred to as a Virtual Local Area Network, Virtual LAN, or VLAN.,gatewayGateway is a network node that allows traffic to flow in and out of the network., country code, and time zone.

Step 4: Add Licenses to the NewController

To replace acontrollerwith manually added licenses, you will need to transfer those licenses to the newcontroller更换职业的一部分cess.

Use thelicense addcommand in the command-line interface. Alternatively, in theMobility Masternode hierarchy, navigate to the配置>Licensepage to add new or transferred licenses to the newcontroller.

Do not reboot thecontrollerat the end of this step. Do not save the configuration or write it to memory. Reboot only after the flash memory and the licenses have been restored.

Step 5: Backup Newly Installed Licenses

Use thelicense exportcommand in the command-line interface to back up the newly installed licenses to the backup license database.

(host)[mynode] #license export

Donotreboot thecontrollerat the end of this step. Do not save the configuration or write it to memory. Reboot only after the flash memory and the licenses have been restored.

Step 6: Import and Restore the Flash Backup

Import and restore the backup flash file system from the originalcontrollerto the newcontroller.

Donotreboot thecontrollerat the end of this step. Do not save the configuration or write it to memory. Reboot only after the flash memory and the licenses have been restored.

The following procedure describes how to import and restore a flash backup:

1.Access the newcontroller.

2.In theMobility Masternode hierarchy, select the device and navigate to theDiagnostics > Technical Support > Copy Filestab.

3.In theSelect source filedrop-down list, select any of the source options.

4.In theFile namedrop-down list, select the relevant source file name.

5.In theSelect destination filedrop-down list, selectFlash file system.

6.In theFile nametext box, enter the name of the Flash backup file.

7.ClickCopy. By default, the flash backup file is namedflashbackup.tar.gz. A confirmation message (Files saved successfully) is displayed.

8.Next, to restore the backup of the flash file system, navigate toMobility Master> hostnode hierarchy, navigate toMaintenance > Configuration Management > Restoretab.

9.SelectFlashand clickRestore. A confirmation message (Flash restored sucessfully) is displayed.

To import and restore a flash backup file using the command-line interface, use thecopyandrestore flashcommands. The following example copies a backup file from aUSBUniversal Serial Bus. USB is a connection standard that offers a common interface for communication between the external devices and a computer. USB is the most common port used in the client

(host)[mynode] #copy usb: Partition 1 flashbak2_3600.tar.gz flash: flashbackup.tar.gz

....File flashbak2_3600.tar.gz copied to flash successfully.

(host)[mynode] #restore flash

Step 7: Restore Licenses

Execute thelicense importcommand in the command-line interface to import licenses from the license database to the newcontroller.

(host)[mynode] #license import

Do not save the configuration or write to memory at the end of this step.

Step 8: Reboot theController

When all the licenses have been restored, issue thereloadcommand in the command-line interface. Alternatively, in theMobility Masternode, navigate toMaintenance > Software Management > Rebootin the WebUI to reboot the newcontroller. After rebooting, thecontrollershould not be on the network (or a reachablesubnetSubnet is the logical division of an IP network.) with thecontrollerit will replace. This is to prevent a possible IP address conflict.

Donotsave the configuration or write to memory at the end of this step.

(host)[mynode] #reload

Do you want to save the configuration(y/n): n

Do you really want to restart the system(y/n): y

System will now restart!

Step 9. (Optional) Modify the Host Name

Execute thehostnamecommand in the command-line interface to give the newcontrollera unique host name. (The flash restoration process gives the newcontrollerthe same name as the existingcontroller.)

Donotsave the configuration or write to memory at the end of this step.

Step 10: Save your Configuration

Now, you must save the configuration settings on the newcontroller. Execute thewrite memorycommand in the command-line interface, or in the WebUIUser Interface.navigate to theManaged Networknode hierarchy, click the配置tab and selectPending Changesat the top of the WebUI page.

Step 11: Remove the ExistingController

If you are only replacing a backupcontroller, remove the existing backupcontrollerand then connect the replacementcontrollerto the network. If you are replacing both an activecontrollerand a backupcontroller, replace the backupcontrollerfirst.

When the activecontrolleris removed from the network, the backupcontrollerimmediately assumes the role of activecontroller, and all active APs associate to the new activecontrollerwithin a few seconds. Therefore, when you add anothercontrollerto the network, it will, by default, assume the role of a backupcontroller.

If you changed theVRRPVirtual Router Redundancy Protocol. VRRP is an election protocol that dynamically assigns responsibility for a virtual router to one of the VRRP routers on a LAN.priorities of your redundantMobility Masterprior to replacing the primaryMobility Master, you may wish to change them back once the new primaryMobility Masteris active on the network.

When the newcontrolleruses the same IP address of thecontrollerthat is being replaced, it is recommended to issue theapbootcommand after the APs connect to thecontroller. If the APs were already rebooted before connecting to thecontroller,apboot命令不需要发行。
