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Managing AP Console Settings

An AP’s provisioning parameters are unique to each AP. These parameters are initially configured on theMobility Masterand then pushed out to the AP and stored on the AP itself. Best practices are to configure an AP’s provisioning settings using theMobility MasterWebUI. If you find it necessary to alter an AP’s provisioning settings for troubleshooting purposes, you can do so using the WebUI andCLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions., or alternatively, through a console connection to the AP itself.

To create a console connection to the AP:

1.Connect a local console to the serial port on the AP. You can connect the AP’s serial port to a terminal or terminal server using anEthernetEthernet is a network protocol for data transmission over LAN.cable, or connect the serial console port to a DB-9 adapter, then connect the adapter to a laptop using an RS-232 cable. For details on connecting to an AP’s serial console port, refer to the installation guide included with the AP.

2.Establish a console communication to the AP, then power-cycle the AP to reboot it.

3.To access the AP console command prompt, pressEnterwhen the AP displays the message “Hit to stop autoboot.” If the autoboot countdown expires before you can interrupt it, turn the device off and then back on.

4.Once the AP boot prompt appears, enter the AP console password. You can issue any of the AP provisioning commands described in theTable 1. Remember, though these commands may be useful for troubleshooting, they are all optional and arenotnecessary for normal AP provisioning.

Table 1:AP Boot Commands

The list of AP boot commands may vary based on the APBoot image version.




Boot theArubaOSimage from flash orUSBUniversal Serial Bus. USB is a connection standard that offers a common interface for communication between the external devices and a computer. USB is the most common port used in the client devices., using currently saved environment variables. Any unsaved changes to the variables will be lost. This command has the following sub-parameters:

ap - Boot theArubaOSimage from flash.

usb: - Boot theArubaOSimage fromUSBUniversal Serial Bus. USB is a connection standard that offers a common interface for communication between the external devices and a computer. USB is the most common port used in the client devices..


Clear theArubaOSimage or other information. This command has the following sub-parameters:

all - Clear the cache andArubaOS.

cache - Clear the cache sectors (mesh,Remote APRemote APs extend corporate network to the users working from home or at temporary work sites. Remote APs are deplyed at branch office sites and are connected to the central network on a WAN link.,Campus APCampus APs are used in private networks where APs connect over private links (LAN, WLAN, WAN or MPLS) and terminate directly on controllers. Campus APs are deployed as part of the indoor campus solution in enterprise office buildings, warehouses, hospitals, universities, and so on.).

os - Clear the image from the specified partition (default: 0).

prov - Clear provisioning image from the flash.


InvokeDHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A network protocol that enables a server to automatically assign an IP address to an IP-enabled device from a defined range of numbers configured for a given network.client to obtain IP/boot parameters.


Reset the AP to factory default.


Upgrade the boot image.

NOTE:Exercise caution when using this command.


Help text for the AP boot commands.


Shows manufacturing information of the AP.


Shows theArubaOS图像的通知ation on the AP.


Check network connectivity.


List the environment variables and their current settings. AP boot environment variables are configured using the AP bootsetenvcommand,


Reinstate AP boot configuration to factory default. This includes restoring the default environment variables.


Perform RESET of the APCPUCentral Processing Unit. A CPU is an electronic circuitry in a computer for processing instructions..


Save environment variables to persistent storage.

setenv ipaddr

IP address to be assigned to the AP.

setenv netmask

NetmaskNetmask is a 32-bit mask used for segregating IP address into subnets. Netmask defines the class and range of IP be assigned to the AP.

setenv gatewayip

IP address of the internetgatewayGateway is a network node that allows traffic to flow in and out of the network.used by the AP.

setenv name

Name of the AP.

setenv group

Name of the AP group to which the AP should belong.

setenv master

IP address of the AP’sMobility Controller.

setenv serverip

IP address of theTFTPTrivial File Transfer Protocol. The TFTP is a software utility for transferring files from or to a remote host.server from which the AP can download its boot image.

setenv dnsip

IP address of theDNSDomain Name System. A DNS server functions as a phone book for the intranet and Internet users. It converts human-readable computer host names into IP addresses and IP addresses into host names. It stores several records for a domain name such as an address 'A' record, name server (NS), and mail exchanger (MX) records. The Address 'A' record is the most important record that is stored in a DNS server, because it provides the required IP address for a network peripheral or element.server used by the AP.

setenv domainname

Domain name used by the AP.


BootArubaOSimage over the network usingTFTPTrivial File Transfer Protocol. The TFTP is a software utility for transferring files from or to a remote host.protocol.


升级APBoot或ArubaOSimage. This command has the following sub-parameters:

boot - Upgrade the APBoot image from .

os [] - Upgrade theArubaOSimage in partition from .

prov - Upgrade provisioning image from .

NOTE: can be a <TFTPTrivial File Transfer Protocol. The TFTP is a software utility for transferring files from or to a remote host.-server-IP>: or usb:.


Displays the APBoot image version.

5.When you are finished, typesaveenvand then pressenterto save your settings

Other AP console commands may be available when accessing an AP directly through its console port, but these commands can cause configuration errors if used improperly and should only be issued under the direct supervision ofArubatechnical support.

下面的示例配置AP位置和所做的main name using an AP console connection:

Hit to stop autoboot: 0


apboot> setenv group corporate-2

apboot> setenv domainname

apboot> saveenv


To view current AP settings using the AP console, issue the commandprintenv whereis one of the variable names listed inTable 1, such asipaddr,dnsiporgatewayip.

apboot> printenv domainname
