The following procedure describes how to manage the most commonRFRadio Frequency. RF refers to the electromagnetic wave frequencies within a range of 3 kHz to 300 GHz, including the frequencies used for communications or Radar settings.
1.In the node hierarchy, navigate to the tab.
2.选择the name of an AP group from the AP groups tables.
3.Click the tab below the AP groups tables to display the AP groups radio settings. The radio settings are divided into three sections,Basic, Advanced, and客户控制。The profile parameters in each section are described inTable 1.
5.Click .
6.In the window, select the check box and click .
Parameter |
Description |
GHzGigahertz.and 5GHzGigahertz.收音机 —Set the values for 2.4 |
Access Point operating mode. Available options are: am-mode: Air Monitor mode ap-mode: Access Point mode 频谱模式:Spectrum Monitor mode 默认设置是ap-mode. |
选择this option to convert APs using this radio profile to a hybrid APs that will continue to serve clients as an Access Point, but will also scan and analyze spectrum analysis data for a single radio channel. For more details on hybrid APs, seeSpectrum Analysis. This option is available only when radio mode isap-mode. |
选择the maximum and minimum transmission power levels for the radio in 1DBMDecibel-Milliwatts. dBm is a logarithmic measurement (integer) that is typically used in place of mW to represent receive-power level. AMP normalizes all signals to dBm, so that it is easy to evaluate performance between various vendors.增量。您还可以将最大水平设置为127,以获取该收音机的监管最大值。传输功率可能会受到监管域的约束和AP功能的进一步限制。此选项仅在无线电模式为ap-mode. |
Clickap-mode. |
Air monitoring scan mode. Available options are: 全程域: Scan channels that belong to regulatory domain of any country rare: Scan channels that do not belong to regulatory domain of any country reg-domain: Scan channels that belong to regulatory domain of AP. 默认设置是全程域. This option is available only when radio mode isam-mode. |
GHzGigahertz.and 5GHzGigahertz.收音机 —Set the values for 2.4 |
Set a value for non-Wi-FiWi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices to connect to a WLAN network, mainly using the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands. Wi-Fi can apply to products that use any 802.11 standard.干扰免疫。 The default setting for this parameter is Level 2. When performance drops due to interference from non-802.11802.11 is an evolving family of specifications for wireless LANs developed by a working group of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). 802.11 standards use the Ethernet protocol and Carrier Sense Multiple Access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) for path sharing.interferes (such as DECT or Bluetooth devices), the level can be increased up to level 5 for improved performance. However, increasing the level makes the AP slightly "deaf" to its surroundings, causing the AP to lose a small amount of range. 此参数的级别是: Level 0: no ANI adaptation. Level 1: noise immunity only. 2级:噪声和刺激性。 Level 3: level 2 and weakOFDMOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing. OFDM is a scheme for encoding digital data on multiple carrier frequencies.immunity. Level 4: level 3 and FIR immunity. 5级:禁用PHY报告。 It is recommended not to use adjust the interference immunity feature without guidance fromAruba支持。 |
MS中AP的信标间隔。支持范围为60-30000毫秒,默认值为100 ms。 |
CSAs, as defined byIEEE电气和电子工程师研究所。802.11h802.11H旨在解决通过在某些地方使用802.11a引入的干扰问题,尤其是在军事雷达系统和医疗设备中。动态频率选择(DFS)检测到通道上其他设备的存在,并在检测到此类信号时自动将网络切换到另一个通道。发送功率控制(TPC)将每个网络发射机的射频(RF)输出功率降低到最小化干扰风险的水平。, enable an AP to announce that it is switching to a new channel before it begins transmitting on that channel. Enable this option to allow clients that supportCSA频道开关公告。CSA元素使AP可以宣传其在开始在该频道上传输之前正在切换到新频道。这使支持CSA的客户可以过渡到新频道,以最少的停机时间过渡。to transition to the new channel with minimal downtime. |
Number of channel switch announcements that must be sent prior to switching to a new channel. The defaultCSA频道开关公告。CSA元素使AP可以宣传其在开始在该频道上传输之前正在切换到新频道。这使支持CSA的客户可以过渡到新频道,以最少的停机时间过渡。count is 4 announcements. The allowed range is 1–16. |
Enable the radio to advertise its802.11d802.11d is a wireless network communications specification for use in countries where systems using other standards in the 802.11 family are not allowed to operate. Configuration can be fine-tuned at the Media Access Control (MAC) layer level to comply with the rules of the country or district in which the network is to be used. Rules are subject to variation and include allowed frequencies, allowed power levels, and allowed signal bandwidth. 802.11d facilitates global roaming.(Country Information) and802.11h802.11H旨在解决通过在某些地方使用802.11a引入的干扰问题,尤其是在军事雷达系统和医疗设备中。动态频率选择(DFS)检测到通道上其他设备的存在,并在检测到此类信号时自动将网络切换到另一个通道。发送功率控制(TPC)将每个网络发射机的射频(RF)输出功率降低到最小化干扰风险的水平。(传输功率控制)功能。默认情况下禁用此选项。 |
This option is available under 5GHzGigahertz.无线电设置。选择 if you want both radios to work in the 5GHzGigahertz.模式。 The available options are automatic, disabled, and enabled. 此选项仅适用于340系列接入点 (AP-344access points andAP-345access points). |
GHzGigahertz.and 5GHzGigahertz.收音机 —Set the values for 2.4 |
Enable client match client bandsteering, load balancing, and enhanced AP reassignment for roaming mobile clients. For more information on this feature, seeClientMatch Overview |