

Ventec Life Systems加速使用Aruba的挽救生命的呼吸机制造

第一个也是唯一多功能呼吸机的创建者使用Aruba Solutions帮助生产30,000个关键护理呼吸机为COVID-19大流行

加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉 - (商业资讯) - 惠普(Hewlett Packard)企业公司(NYSE:HPE)Aruba今天宣布Ventec Life Systems,第一个也是唯一多功能呼吸机的VOCSN的制造商正在使用Aruba Esp的网络,其中包括阿鲁巴接入点(APs), switches and Aruba Central management, to help accelerate the manufacturing and delivery of its life-saving ventilators to hospitals and healthcare facilities across the United States.


VETEC已承诺将其VOCSN重症监护剂单元传递给美国卫生与公共服务部,并在Aruba网络技术的帮助下制造。(照片:Ventec Life Systems)

VETEC已承诺将其VOCSN重症监护剂单元传递给美国卫生与公共服务部,并在Aruba网络技术的帮助下制造。(照片:Ventec Life Systems)

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Ventec has committed to delivering 30,000 of its portable, VOCSN critical care ventilators to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for the Strategic National Stockpile. This represents an increase in production from a previous average of about 150 units per month to over 10,000 per month. To accomplish this, Ventec has deployed a network based on Aruba ESP (Edge Services Platform), a cloud-native platform that continually analyzes data across domains, in its Bothell, Washington headquarters and manufacturing facilities to power a more mobile workforce. In addition, the Aruba network enables better collaboration with Ventec’s manufacturing teams in Kokomo, Indiana, where it has与通用汽车(GM)合作使用Kokomo GM设施来履行其对联邦政府30,000名关键护理呼吸机的承诺。

IT IT系统总监Jacob Omlid表示,Aruba基础设施可提高生产率和效率,以及质量的提高 - 所有这些对于确保可以更快地将更多的重症监护剂交付到前线很重要。


Ventec在整个Botterell站点上使用Aruba Instant AP,并已安装Aruba Edge开关阿鲁巴中央for management and insights into the network. The APs ensure that every square inch of Ventec’s Bothell site has wireless coverage, which is key for connecting its multiple departments including manufacturing and quality assurance. The wireless coverage has made Ventec’s workforce fully mobile. Using a combination of their mobile devices and applications such as Skype, Teams and Zoom for collaboration and video conferencing, and a variety of manufacturing apps for quality management, ERP, and inventory tracking, employees can work from anywhere in the Ventec facilities. Ventec also relies on the network for its manufacturing line, with wired IoT devices communicating and funneling information back to a central database throughout the manufacturing process.

OMLID指出,Aruba交换机已经提供了消除网络停机时间所需的冗余VENTEC - 他们以前缺乏这一点 - 并提供了大幅度提高网络性能。也许,更重要的是,Aruba Central为IT团队提供了一个仪表板,该仪表板通过易于使用的模板简化了网络中所有APS和开关的配置和管理。如果出现问题,它还提供有关活动以及警报的宝贵见解。



惠普(Hewlett Packard)企业公司Aruba是安全,智能边缘到云网络解决方案的全球领导者,使用AI自动化网络,同时利用数据来推动强大的业务成果。借助Aruba ESP(边缘服务平台)和AS-A-Service选项,Aruba采取了一种云代表方法来帮助客户满足其各个校园,分支机构,数据中心和远程工作者环境的连接性,安全性和财务需求,从而涵盖了所有人有线,无线LAN和广域网络(WAN)的各个方面。


凯瑟琳·基思(Kathleen Keith)
[email protected]

詹妮弗·米(Jennifer Miu)
+1 650-236-9532
[email protected]

Source: Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company


VETEC已承诺将其VOCSN重症监护剂单元传递给美国卫生与公共服务部,并在Aruba网络技术的帮助下制造。(照片:Ventec Life Systems) 8256 x 5504 JPG 18.27 MB
WA网站是Ventec Bothell的技术人员,使用Aruba Technology帮助制造其多功能呼吸机。(照片:Ventec Life Systems) 8256 x 5504 JPG 14.35 MB