Managing Sites
page allows you to create sites, view the list of sites configured in your setup, and assign devices to sites. The page includes the following functions:Name |
Contents of the Table |
Allows you to convert existing labels to sites. To convert labels, download theCSVComma-Separated Values. A file format that stores tabular data in the plain text format separated by commas.file with the list of labels configured in your setup, add the site information, and upload the CSV file. For more information, seeCreating a Site. |
table |
Displays a list of sites configured. It provides the following information: —Name of the site. —Physical address of the site. —Number of devices assigned to a site. The table also includes the following sorting options to reset the table view on the right: Aruba Central. —Displays all the devices provisioned in—Displays the list of devices that are not assigned to any site. You can also use the filter and sort icons on the and columns to filter and sort sites respectively. |
Allows you to create a new site. |
Allows you to add sites in bulk from a CSV file. |
table |
Displays a list of devices provisioned. It provides the following information: —Name of the device —Group to which the device is assigned. —Type of the device. |
Creating a Site
To create a site, complete the following steps:
- In the app, set the filter to .
- Under , click .
- Click the tab.
- Set the toggle switch to .
- To add a new site, click . The pop-up window opens.
- In the
- —Name of the site. The site name can be a maximum of 255 single byte characters. Special characters are allowed.
- —Address of the site.
- —City in which the site is located.
- —Country in which the site is located.
- —State or province in which the site is located.
- —(Optional) ZIP or postal code of the site.
pop-up window, enter the following details: - Click . The new site is added to the table.
Adding Multiple Sites in Bulk
To import site information from a CSV file in bulk, complete the following steps:
- In the app, set the filter to .
- Under , click .
- Click the tab.
- Set the toggle switch to .
- Click . The pop-up opens.
- Download a sample file.
- Fill the site information and save the CSV file in your local directory.
The CSV file for bulk upload of sites must include the mandatory information such as the name, address, city, state, and country details.
- In theAruba CentralUI, click and add the file from your local directory.
- Click . The sites from the CSV file are added to the site table.
Assigning a Device to a Site
To assign devices to a site, complete the following steps:
- In the app, set the filter to .
- Under , click .
- Click the tab.
- Set the toggle switch to .
- Select . The list of devices that are not assigned to any site is displayed.
- Select device(s) from the list of devices.
- Drag and drop the devices to the site on the left. A pop-up window opens and prompts you to confirm the site assignment.
- Click .
Converting Existing Labels to Sites
To convert existing labels to sites, complete the following steps:
- In the app, set the filter to .
- Under , click .
- Click the tab.
- Set the toggle switch to .
- Click . The pop-up window opens.
- To download a CSV file with the list of labels configured in your setup, click . A CSV file with a list of all the labels in your setup is downloaded to your local directory.
- Enter address, city, state, country, and ZIP code details for the labels that you want to convert to sites.
In the CSV file, you must enter the following details: address, city, state, and country.
- Save the CSV file.
- On the pop-up window, click and select the CSV file with the list of labels to convert.
- Click .
- Click . The labels are converted to sites.
Points to Note
- If the conversion process fails for some labels,Aruba Centralgenerates and opens an Excel file showing a list of labels that could not be converted to sites. Verify the reason for the errors, update the CSV file, and re-upload the file.
- Aruba Centraldoes not allow conversion of sites to labels. If the existing labels are converted to sites, you cannot revert these sites to labels.
- When the existing labels are converted to sites,Aruba Centralretains only the historical data for these labels.Aruba Centraldisplays the historical data for these labels only in reports and on the monitoring dashboard.
Editing a Site
To modify site details, complete the following steps:
- In the app, set the filter to .
- Under , click .
- Click the tab.
- Set the toggle switch to .
- 选择site to edit and click the edit icon.
- Modify the site information and click .
To delete a site, complete the following steps:
- In the app, set the filter to .
- Under , click .
- Click the tab.
- Set the toggle switch to .
- 选择site to delete and click the delete icon.
- Confirm deletion.