More IoT devices means more IT challenges
- IOT.devices use different connectivity types and communication protocols, often requiring vendor-specific gateways to manage devices and collect data.
- 物联网设备从根本上不值得信任;IOT网关在网络上模糊设备,导致缺乏创造风险的可见性。
- Integrating IoT data with business processes is complex, requiring deep knowledge of IoT, data transport, data security, and business applications.
Designing hyper-aware facilities the eyes and ears of a smart building. Supplementing IoT data with contextual information enables hyper-awareness—cognizance and responsiveness to occupants and their environment. The richer the data and context, the greater the opportunities to boost efficiency, productivity, profitability, reliability, and security.
To learn more about designing hyper-aware smart buildings,read the white paper.
During an incident, building occupants need real-time safety information pushed to their mobile devices, and first responders need to communicate with those in harm’s way. Aruba ESP, with integrated solutions from technology partners, can communicate with tenants, visitors, and staff. The use of unique 4D graphics lets first responders quickly see where people are within buildings.
Aruba ESP允许移动运营商可以轻松地将5G占地面积扩展到任何建筑物,以便使用Aruba Air Slice技术提供千兆类性能的电动Wi-Fi调用。这提供了无缝用户体验和不间断连接,而无需昂贵和复杂的分布式天线系统。
Explore secure infrastructure and partner solutions for chemical, defense, food & beverage, logistics, manufacturing, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, transportation, and utility applications.
To learn more about designing hyper-aware industrial facilities,read the white paper.
Monitor personnel and asset safety
对于具有潜在爆炸性条件的环境,通常要求基于位置的安全系统来保护员工和访客。Aruba ESP与技术合作伙伴Mobilaris集团一起,可以通过跟踪人员和资产的位置来提供实时3D情境意识。
Proactive maintenance reduces downtime and maximizes the use and performance of assets, decreasing maintenance costs by up to 40%. Through deep integration with technology partner devices, Aruba ESP enables machinery sensors to monitor machinery like motor drives, valves, and pumps, spotting problems before they happen and improving productivity, reliability, and efficiency.
导航大型工业网站可能具有挑战性,导致效率低下和安全问题。可以避免从Aruba ESP的位置服务避免,这有助于网站乘客与逐字导航找到顺便。