


  • 较大的频道以提高速度
  • Lower latency to improve responsiveness
  • 支持更多设备


5G promises to deliver a greater capacity, lower latency, to serve a more diverse and larger range of client devices than cellular networks have ever done before. It does this based on three fundamental technologies to improve spectral efficiency:

  • 5G radio
  • 灵活的核心网络体系结构
  • Mobile edge computing, which moves resources from the core to closer to where data is consumed and generated



5G和Wi-Fi 6之间的主要区别是什么?

The main difference between 5G and Wi-Fi 6 isn’t performance, but how they’re deployed, who manages them, how much they cost, and whether or not they serve all clients currently in your network or only new clients with 5G radios and SIM cards.


创建了5G和Wi-Fi,以提供更高的数据速率,较低的延迟以及对更多设备和用户的支持。5G和Wi-Fi相互补充,并将在可预见的未来继续共存。Wi-Fi 6(802.11ax)是室内和企业应用的理想选择,可以在Wi-Fi和Cellular之间提供广泛的迁移率。Wi-Fi和5G都可以共同努力,以提高生产率并增强混合工作场所的用户体验。


阿鲁巴integrates cellular into the enterprise network. Aruba Air Pass™ enables Wi-Fi enabled devices with SIM credentials from major cellular network operators to automatically connect to enterprise networks. This improves the in-building cellular experience because Wi-Fi is automatically offloaded onto the enterprise network.


wells允许IT部门提取更多的回报啊n investment from existing WLAN networks, address coverage problems, and increase capacity with minimal additional investment. Because Air Pass dramatically increases the attach rate of smartphone devices to the WLAN, it also enhances the Wi-Fi infrastructure as a sensor system. Applications such as shopper analytics, space and energy optimization, and network security systems have greater visibility into visitor data traffic, location, and behavior.

阿鲁巴还带来了公民宽带无线电服务(CBR) private LTE/5G networks to the enterprise, further validating that cellular technology is ready for widespread enterprise use. Celona, an exciting startup founded by former Aruba and Qualcomm veterans, built the first CBRS solution designed from the ground up to integrate seamlessly into enterprise networks. In the United States, CBRS will simplify the twin problems for private LTE networks: access to spectrum and consolidating multiple mobile network operators into a single-layer infrastructure.

