KEMET Electronics Corporation

阿鲁巴Wi-Fi + Central powers Industry 4.0 at manufacturing enterprise with millions of square feet across 22 countries worldwide

  • Customer Profile

    Kemet Electronics Corporation是全球高端电子组件的全球领先供应商。其全球足迹成立于1919年,总部位于佛罗里达州劳德代尔堡,包括45个制造和销售设施,以及位于美洲,亚洲和欧洲22个国家 /地区的大约12,000名员工。
    • Vertical: Manufacturing
    • Location: Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States
    • Customer size: 12,000 employees in 22 countries

    Use Case

    Modernize wired and wireless infrastructure to eliminate historical bottlenecks and facilitate the adoption of IoT and IIoT-enabled Industry 4.0 automation throughout manufacturing and sales facilities worldwide.


    • Centrally manage and secure high-performance Wi-Fi across 22 countries worldwide
    • Support manufacturing Industry 4.0, including mobility, IoT and IIoT
    • 采用具有AI支持工具的直观技术创新生态系统


    • Recovered millions of dollars in profitability by reducing manufacturing defects and inventory bottlenecks due to legacy systems
    • 将Wi-Fi部署时间从几天到几个小时,并在全球范围内启用零接触部署
    • Mobilized manufacturing and sales facilities spanning millions of square feet worldwide
    • 通过Skype for Business,Teams和IP电话建立了全球足迹的高质量合作
    • 通过智能,可扩展性和直观的工具集获得有弹性的未来基础架构,以满足新兴需求
    Strong demand for its components kept KEMET Electronics Corporation’s global manufacturing and sales facilities running at full capacity, but further growth and operational innovation had stalled.

    “We determined our aging technology infrastructure was the bottleneck,” explains George Hurtado, Director of Global IT Infrastructure for the Fort Lauderdale, Florida-based enterprise with 45 manufacturing and sales facilities spread across 22 countries. “Our legacy system wasn’t scalable, resilient or sufficiently secure. We clearly needed a significant refresh.”

    阿鲁巴中央Answers the Needs

    Given its expansive global footprint, KEMET sought a network infrastructure capable of supplying secure, high-performance voice, video and IoT connectivity to power Industry 4.0 on production floors and mobilize its workforce enterprise-wide. This included supporting dozens of manufacturing and sales facilities, each of which spans up to a half-million square feet.


    KEMET Electronics Corporation

    “We were unimpressed with the licensing model our existing vendor was pursuing,” explains Hurtado. “Upon investigating alternatives and conducting internal testing, we decided to invest in Aruba for its proven innovation, reliability and centralized management.”

    KEMET’s comprehensive wired and wireless solution included Aruba APs, including Wi-Fi CERTIFIED 6 APs, managed by cloud-native Aruba Central, for unified network operations, assurance and security as well as ClearPass, for policy-based network access control and 2930M access switches.

    Expectations Exceeded from Day One

    From the start, the deployment exceeded expectations. “With our previous vendor and controller-based system, we had to manually right-size hardware and software infrastructure whenever network changes occurred,” recalls Tony Krawczynski, Manager of Network Services.

    “Using Aruba Central, we have a virtual controller that scales smoothly as our needs change,” he continues. “Any modifications we make get pushed out automatically to the related APs. This is helping us move toward a zero-touch model systemically, regardless how many thousands of miles a location is from our U.S. data center.”

    Slashing deployment times and reducing stress


    网络工程师Mario Luna说:“尽管我们继续获得能力并更快地部署,但即使我们的早期经验也改变了游戏规则。”

    “For example, with two people, we configured and packaged 100 access points in less than two business days,” he says. “Then we simply shipped them to the site and put them in place. Because we were able to pre-stage the APs, an implementation process that would’ve formerly taken weeks, and disrupted the production floor operations, was completed non-disruptively in days.

    Luna补充说:“我们还将Aruba Installer应用程序添加到我们的智能手机中。”“它提供了进一步加快流程的工具。消除大量的手动工作会大大减轻部署压力。”

    ClearPass Boosts Security and Eliminates Frustrations

    Due to its inability to regulate its guest connectivity in the past, KEMET commonly experienced serious productivity drains. “For instance, during popular worldwide events, like the FIFA World Cup, our Wi-Fi was frequently overloaded,” explains Krawczynski.

    “Another impact was manually authenticating individuals who travel, ranging from executives to sales team members,” he continues. “It could easily take an engineer up to two hours to give a person access at a distant facility, while our business talent simply waited.”

    “今天,那些头痛等等,都消失了,”克劳奇辛斯基说。“ ClearPass会根据多个标准自动标识和分类设备,从而根据我们设定的策略提供设备和用户访问。”



    Beyond automating and securing access, ClearPass supplies rich contextual insights – such as device type, vendor, hardware version and behavioral attributes, like traffic destination and communication frequency. This enables the manufacturer to quickly create fine-grained access policies while reducing security risks and meeting compliance requirements, such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

    KEMET Electronics Corporation

    “Our visibility and audit capabilities with ClearPass are unprecedented,” Krawczynski says. “In addition to regulatory compliance, there are multiple other benefits. For example, if an individual is streaming videos against a department’s policy, we can alert the appropriate manager before it impacts network performance.”

    Proven Ecosystem Creates Powerful Holistic Platform

    KEMET also appreciates the proven technology ecosystem Aruba brings to the partnership, which assists the manufacturer with turning network infrastructure into a powerful holistic platform for a smart digital workplace.

    “For instance, we’re leveragingEnvoy, an established Aruba ecosystem provider for visitor management, and its tight integration with ClearPass to supply streamlined, secure connectivity for our customers, contractors, visitors and employee BYOD,” Krawczynski says.

    “This ensures that we not only secure our network but also deliver exceptional experiences that support our brand as a leading-edge innovator in our market,” he adds.

    Improving Profitability in Multiple Ways

    With KEMET’s new networking solution, benefits are off the charts. “In addition to significantly improving global collaboration experiences using Skype for Business, Teams and our IP telephony system, our business is no longer restricted in any way,” Hurtado says. “We can now adopt new tools and applications on the fly.”

    Just one example is faster label printing and handheld mobile scanners at KEMET’s manufacturing and sales facilities. “Such tools enable getting products out the door rather than having them sit idle,” says Hurtado.



    IT staff shifts focus from reactive to proactive with predictive analytics

    From an IT standpoint, resources are no longer dedicated to repeatedly troubleshooting the same issue, as Aruba Central supplies AI-based predictive analytics and deep insights. This gives KEMET continuous visibility into how the network is performing.

    “我们广泛使用Central的见解来优化我们的网络,” Krawczynski说。这有助于Kemet积极积极地保持绩效,可用性和经验。

    Although deployment, training and administration issues have been few, Aruba’s support response has consistently gone above and beyond. “On the rare occasions where we’ve needed expert assistance, our Aruba representatives assembled the right team to respond quickly and comprehensively,” Krawczynski says.



    “We’re interested in User Experience Insight for tasks like detecting when we’re having a DHCP server issue somewhere in our footprint,” Krawczynski says. “Then we can resolve the problem before any significant impact occurs.”

    Other possibilities include expanding Aruba’s presence to standardize on wired switches from core to edge while leveraging predictive analytics and location awareness to improve manufacturing operations and inventory management.

    KEMET Electronics Corporation


    Read more

    With Aruba and Aruba Central, our infrastructure can scale smoothly and seamlessly worldwide. Overall, we’re only scratching the surface and look forward to taking our Aruba networking platform to the next level.
    Kemet Electronics Corporation全球IT基础设施总监George Hurtado
  • Customer Profile

    Kemet Electronics Corporation是全球高端电子组件的全球领先供应商。其全球足迹成立于1919年,总部位于佛罗里达州劳德代尔堡,包括45个制造和销售设施,以及位于美洲,亚洲和欧洲22个国家 /地区的大约12,000名员工。
    • Vertical: Manufacturing
    • Location: Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States
    • Customer size: 12,000 employees in 22 countries

    Use Case

    Modernize wired and wireless infrastructure to eliminate historical bottlenecks and facilitate the adoption of IoT and IIoT-enabled Industry 4.0 automation throughout manufacturing and sales facilities worldwide.


    • Centrally manage and secure high-performance Wi-Fi across 22 countries worldwide
    • Support manufacturing Industry 4.0, including mobility, IoT and IIoT
    • 采用具有AI支持工具的直观技术创新生态系统


    • Recovered millions of dollars in profitability by reducing manufacturing defects and inventory bottlenecks due to legacy systems
    • 将Wi-Fi部署时间从几天到几个小时,并在全球范围内启用零接触部署
    • Mobilized manufacturing and sales facilities spanning millions of square feet worldwide
    • 通过Skype for Business,Teams和IP电话建立了全球足迹的高质量合作
    • 通过智能,可扩展性和直观的工具集获得有弹性的未来基础架构,以满足新兴需求
    Strong demand for its components kept KEMET Electronics Corporation’s global manufacturing and sales facilities running at full capacity, but further growth and operational innovation had stalled.

    “We determined our aging technology infrastructure was the bottleneck,” explains George Hurtado, Director of Global IT Infrastructure for the Fort Lauderdale, Florida-based enterprise with 45 manufacturing and sales facilities spread across 22 countries. “Our legacy system wasn’t scalable, resilient or sufficiently secure. We clearly needed a significant refresh.”

    阿鲁巴中央Answers the Needs

    Given its expansive global footprint, KEMET sought a network infrastructure capable of supplying secure, high-performance voice, video and IoT connectivity to power Industry 4.0 on production floors and mobilize its workforce enterprise-wide. This included supporting dozens of manufacturing and sales facilities, each of which spans up to a half-million square feet.


    KEMET Electronics Corporation

    “We were unimpressed with the licensing model our existing vendor was pursuing,” explains Hurtado. “Upon investigating alternatives and conducting internal testing, we decided to invest in Aruba for its proven innovation, reliability and centralized management.”

    KEMET’s comprehensive wired and wireless solution included Aruba APs, including Wi-Fi CERTIFIED 6 APs, managed by cloud-native Aruba Central, for unified network operations, assurance and security as well as ClearPass, for policy-based network access control and 2930M access switches.

    Expectations Exceeded from Day One

    From the start, the deployment exceeded expectations. “With our previous vendor and controller-based system, we had to manually right-size hardware and software infrastructure whenever network changes occurred,” recalls Tony Krawczynski, Manager of Network Services.

    “Using Aruba Central, we have a virtual controller that scales smoothly as our needs change,” he continues. “Any modifications we make get pushed out automatically to the related APs. This is helping us move toward a zero-touch model systemically, regardless how many thousands of miles a location is from our U.S. data center.”

    Slashing deployment times and reducing stress


    网络工程师Mario Luna说:“尽管我们继续获得能力并更快地部署,但即使我们的早期经验也改变了游戏规则。”

    “For example, with two people, we configured and packaged 100 access points in less than two business days,” he says. “Then we simply shipped them to the site and put them in place. Because we were able to pre-stage the APs, an implementation process that would’ve formerly taken weeks, and disrupted the production floor operations, was completed non-disruptively in days.

    Luna补充说:“我们还将Aruba Installer应用程序添加到我们的智能手机中。”“它提供了进一步加快流程的工具。消除大量的手动工作会大大减轻部署压力。”

    ClearPass Boosts Security and Eliminates Frustrations

    Due to its inability to regulate its guest connectivity in the past, KEMET commonly experienced serious productivity drains. “For instance, during popular worldwide events, like the FIFA World Cup, our Wi-Fi was frequently overloaded,” explains Krawczynski.

    “Another impact was manually authenticating individuals who travel, ranging from executives to sales team members,” he continues. “It could easily take an engineer up to two hours to give a person access at a distant facility, while our business talent simply waited.”

    “今天,那些头痛等等,都消失了,”克劳奇辛斯基说。“ ClearPass会根据多个标准自动标识和分类设备,从而根据我们设定的策略提供设备和用户访问。”



    Beyond automating and securing access, ClearPass supplies rich contextual insights – such as device type, vendor, hardware version and behavioral attributes, like traffic destination and communication frequency. This enables the manufacturer to quickly create fine-grained access policies while reducing security risks and meeting compliance requirements, such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

    KEMET Electronics Corporation

    “Our visibility and audit capabilities with ClearPass are unprecedented,” Krawczynski says. “In addition to regulatory compliance, there are multiple other benefits. For example, if an individual is streaming videos against a department’s policy, we can alert the appropriate manager before it impacts network performance.”

    Proven Ecosystem Creates Powerful Holistic Platform

    KEMET also appreciates the proven technology ecosystem Aruba brings to the partnership, which assists the manufacturer with turning network infrastructure into a powerful holistic platform for a smart digital workplace.

    “For instance, we’re leveragingEnvoy, an established Aruba ecosystem provider for visitor management, and its tight integration with ClearPass to supply streamlined, secure connectivity for our customers, contractors, visitors and employee BYOD,” Krawczynski says.

    “This ensures that we not only secure our network but also deliver exceptional experiences that support our brand as a leading-edge innovator in our market,” he adds.

    Improving Profitability in Multiple Ways

    With KEMET’s new networking solution, benefits are off the charts. “In addition to significantly improving global collaboration experiences using Skype for Business, Teams and our IP telephony system, our business is no longer restricted in any way,” Hurtado says. “We can now adopt new tools and applications on the fly.”

    Just one example is faster label printing and handheld mobile scanners at KEMET’s manufacturing and sales facilities. “Such tools enable getting products out the door rather than having them sit idle,” says Hurtado.



    IT staff shifts focus from reactive to proactive with predictive analytics

    From an IT standpoint, resources are no longer dedicated to repeatedly troubleshooting the same issue, as Aruba Central supplies AI-based predictive analytics and deep insights. This gives KEMET continuous visibility into how the network is performing.

    “我们广泛使用Central的见解来优化我们的网络,” Krawczynski说。这有助于Kemet积极积极地保持绩效,可用性和经验。

    Although deployment, training and administration issues have been few, Aruba’s support response has consistently gone above and beyond. “On the rare occasions where we’ve needed expert assistance, our Aruba representatives assembled the right team to respond quickly and comprehensively,” Krawczynski says.



    “We’re interested in User Experience Insight for tasks like detecting when we’re having a DHCP server issue somewhere in our footprint,” Krawczynski says. “Then we can resolve the problem before any significant impact occurs.”

    Other possibilities include expanding Aruba’s presence to standardize on wired switches from core to edge while leveraging predictive analytics and location awareness to improve manufacturing operations and inventory management.

    KEMET Electronics Corporation


    With Aruba and Aruba Central, our infrastructure can scale smoothly and seamlessly worldwide. Overall, we’re only scratching the surface and look forward to taking our Aruba networking platform to the next level.
    Kemet Electronics Corporation全球IT基础设施总监George Hurtado