什么是Wi-Fi 6e?

Wi-Fi 6 E解释说明

Wi-Fi 6e展开现有的Wi-Fi 6(802.11AX)标准,并允许访问新的6 GHz频段。Wi-Fi 6e采用Wi-Fi 6的效率特征,如OFDMA,WPA3和目标唤醒时间,并将它们扩展到6 GHz频带,以提供更连续的频谱和更少的干扰。通过Wi-Fi 6e,企业可以支持需求多千兆位速度等高清视频的新用例。

How does Wi-Fi 6E work?

Wi-Fi today uses two bands: 2.4GHz and 5GHz. Wi-Fi 6E utilizes a third band: 6GHz. Wi-Fi 6E extends the same Wi-Fi 6 capabilities into the 6 GHz to allow greater efficiency, higher throughput, and increased security.

Why Wi-Fi 6E?

  • 6 GHz频段的容量更多,解决了连接和拥塞问题。
  • 更广泛的频道,高达160 MHz,这对于高缺陷视频和虚拟现实是理想的。
  • No interference from microwaves, etc. because only 6E-capable devices can use the band.

什么设备类型支持Wi-Fi 6e?

下图显示了所有Wi-Fi 6e设备类,虽然所有地理位置都不支持所有设备类。

Wi-Fi 6E Device Classes

What device classes support Wi-Fi 6E?

  • Standard Power (SP) AP: Supports outdoor and indoor operations, where the Standard Power APs are coordinated through an Automated Frequency Coordination Service (AFC) to mitigate 6Ghz Wi-Fi from interfering with incumbent services such as public safety and cellular backhaul, microwave links, satellite services, and TV broadcast services.
  • 低功率室内(LPI)美联社:这个固定的我ndoor only class uses lower power levels and does not require an AFC. LPI APs for use in indoor enterprise deployment provide the same coverage as today’s Wi-Fi 6 APs and will provide similar 6Ghz coverage as today’s 5Ghz radios.
  • 非常低的功率(VLP)AP:VLP提供来自移动客户端的移动室内或室外用途,因为小型电池覆盖,热点等。

Use of these three device classes varies by geography and regulatory permissions.

启用6个GHz的客户端设备(Wi-Fi 6e设备)的状态是多少?

在设备可以利用6 GHz频谱之前,必须可用支持此频段的芯片组。可用的芯片组来自几家不同的公司。此外,一些高端的游戏手机正在使用Wi-Fi 6e的支持。Wi-Fi联盟推出了Wi-Fi 6e的认证计划,并保持了一个列出了6E个支持的产品. This means that Wi-Fi 6E is now ready for mass market adoption.

How do I choose a Wi-Fi 6E vendor?

Choose a vendor that demonstrates

  • A track record of proven innovation
  • Commitment to certification by industry standards (Wi-Fi Alliance)
  • 一个完整的投资组合,支持室内,户外,危险地点(Hazloc)和偏远工人

什么是Wi-Fi 6e监管状况?

在全球范围内,美国,韩国,沙特阿拉伯,巴西,智利和危地马拉每次开设1200 MHz。2010年11月,欧洲邮政和电信管理部门(Cept)发布了其决定,为低功率室内(LPI)器件和非常低的电源(VLP)设备开辟了初始480MHz的频谱,这些设备可以在室内和室外运行。

What are the differences in Wi-Fi 6E in the US and EMEA?

欧洲达成协议,为Wi-Fi分配5945 - 6425 MHz。即使这不是完整的6 GHz频段,它仍然提供了很多额外的使用频谱。然而,为了协调全球的法规并受益于规模经济并适应未来的能力需求,Wi-Fi Industry正在与欧洲的监管机构合作,开辟6425-7125 MHz乐队。

Within Europe, the UK and Denmark deviate slightly from the European agreement. The UK will allow slightly higher transmit power and have a little more spectrum to use (5925 – 6425 MHz).

Wi-Fi 6 versus Wi-Fi 6E

Wi-Fi 6 Wi-Fi 6E (6 GHz)

2.4 and 5.0 GHz spectrum

2.4, 5 and now 6 GHz spectrum (Devices must be 6 GHz enabled.)

  • Multi User efficiencies, multi-user input/output (MU-MIMO) to remove bottlenecks
  • OFDMA to create carpool lanes to piggyback smaller packets like voice data
  • Target Wake Time (TWT) to allow APs to ping IoT devices at longer intervals & reduce traffic/extend battery life
  • WPA3并增强开放,以增强访客访问安全性

Includes all features in Wi-Fi 6 plus

  • More capacity in the 6 GHz band
  • Wider channels, up to 160 MHz, which are ideal for high-def video and virtual reality
  • No interference from microwaves, etc. because only 6E-capable devices can use the band

Increased efficiencies to provide greater throughput with the same number of APs, ideal for dense environments and large numbers of IoT devices

支持更大的容量和更广泛的频道来支持多字交易,非常适合高清视频和AR / VR(增强现实/虚拟现实)

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